Twitter Rediscovered Brad Pitt's 'Meet Joe Black' and Can't Believe How Ridiculous It Is

Updated April 12 2019, 3:44 p.m. ET
Twitter users can't stop laughing after someone posted the opening scene from the 1998 film Meet Joe Black, which features a series of awkward turns between two characters who are clearly romantically interested in one another but don't know how to start that conversation.
If you'veever seen the movie, you know just how weird and awkward it is. The movie stars Brad Pitt as Death, who ends up taking over the body of "Young Man in Coffee Shop," who dies early on in the film.
His death comes out of nowhere and occurs in such a random matter that it sets the tone for the rest of the movie. And that tone is: we have no idea what tone we're going for.
Seriously, it's not even cringe-inducing, because there are times you find yourself thinking everyone must be fully aware of how absurd the movie is...
...but then the next moment you're hit with a bout of melodrama that you think is supposed to make a profound point. If there's one positive thing you can say about the film, it's that every aspect of it is bad. From the deadpan acting, to the way it's directed and edited, to the weirdly out-of-place and ill-timed score cues, Meet Joe Black will leave you wondering, "what the hell did I just watch?"
The scene Rose O'Shea uploaded is just the tip of the iceberg. The repetitive imagery makes the scene seem like it's an SNL Digital Short roasting one of the most overused romantic cinema tropes. It makes a 1:19 scene feel like it's 20 minutes long.
If you haven't watched it before or just skipped past it right now, please, please, please watch the entire thing.
What an ending.
This painfully long scene isn't an anomaly. The movie is 2 hours and 58 minutes long. That's right, this thing is nearly 3 hours long and I still couldn't tell you the plot.
Here's the official synopsis: "Death, who takes the form of a young man, asks a media mogul to act as a guide to teach him about life on Earth, and in the process, he falls in love with his guide's daughter."
Sounds like a perfectly acceptable idea for a film, right? Plus it stars Brad Pitt, Anthony Hopkins, and Claire Forlani. But it keeps getting more ridiculous from that scene above. Like this scene where Brad does a Jamaican accent.
Yes, that's right, you just heard Brad Pitt speak in bad patois to an old woman who's begging him for the sweet embrace. The uneasy pacing, the weirdness of it all is just staggering, and plenty of people thought so too. Heck, maybe even the other actors in the scene did as well, judging by these screenshots.
I personally think the first time Death eats peanut butter is probably the best scene in the film. Everyone watches this grown man who has never tried peanut butter before weirdly lick spoon after spoon of it with a smile on his face. It's the very definition of insanity.
For the most part, people just couldn't get over that opening scene and started roasting the heck out of it with some brilliant parody movie names.
If you haven't watched the scene yet, this probably spoiled the ending — unless you're as clueless as Brad Pitt as Death .