The Best Memes and Reactions About Tumblr Getting Sold for Almost Nothing

Updated Aug. 13 2019, 7:06 p.m. ET

If you spent much of your teenage and young adult life reposting gifs and writing fan fic on Tumblr, then you're probably feeling all the feelings right now: Tumblr was just sold for $3 million to Automattic, which owns Wordpress. This is a big deal, since the social media platform was originally bought by Yahoo for $1.1 BILLION in 2013. The internet is obviously in a frenzy, comparing Tumblr's price tag to this bluefin tuna (which also was sold for about $3 million. Buzzfeed already published a list of seven condos you can buy in New York for the same price as Tumblr.
Much of the online community is speculating that banning NSFW content is what led to Tumblr's devaluation (hundreds of thousands of blogs were shut down because of this, according to the Washington Post). What exactly will happen to Tumblr now? Only time will tell. In the meantime, here are some of the best memes and responses to the Tumblr news.
1. Tumblr could have been the next generation...PDF?
Sure, Yahoo!
2. Verizon is not in a happy place right now.
3. Some feel that maybe things would be different if Yahoo/Verizon had different priorities.
Such as worrying more about hate speech versus NSFW content, but alas.
4. And then there's this "7 Condos" article that's going viral.
Maybe someone will repost it on Tumblr?
5. The real estate comparison puts things into perspective.
Especially if you live in New York, San Francisco, or Los Angeles.
6. It's only a matter of time before this rumor takes off...
Did you hear?!
7. Or this one.
We have a feeling this is only the beginning.
8. Was this horrible ad the culprit?
Probably not, but we can all admit this is a pretty bad ad.
9. A lot of people are amused...
Especially Tumblr non-believers and those who thought the NSFW ban was a bad idea.
10. This Squidward meme just about sums it up.
Started from the bottom (Bikini Bottom) now we' an even worse place.
11. It's all about silver linings.
Now we can talk about this weird image of...chocolate fondue? Why not?!