Woman Slams Men Who Hunt and Golf All Day, but Have a Problem with Women Getting Nails Done

Published Jan. 1 2024, 11:05 a.m. ET

A woman's fiery invective against "man hobbies" that are time-consuming and expensive went viral on TikTok. Rose (@b.rose1111xoxo) sounds off on the double standard between past times like golfing and fishing that can easily eat up the entirety of a day. Still, she says these same men will bother a woman visiting an aesthetician, hair stylist, or nail salon and throw a tizzy if they're gone for more than an hour.
She jumps right into her issue with this relationship dynamic straight out of the gate: "I just think it's funny that men have hobbies that literally take all f------- day but if their wives or girlfriends went out for more than an hour they're up their a--, calling them hey what time you coming home? The baby's crying? Where's the f----- ketchup? Where are my shoes?"
After highlighting these examples of unnecessary communication which are either consciously or subconsciously performed by men with their significant others as a means of cutting into their hobby time out of the house, she continues to opine about what she sees as a clear example of a gender bias when it comes to women enjoying personal activities away from their partner.
"You mean to tell me you can go hunting three times a week from dark till dark and you come home and you don't know where the ketchup is in the fridge but you told me about the deer that you spotted fifteen yards away babe?"
She highlighted that she wasn't buying a man who spends a significant amount of time hunting and spotting wild animals and would have difficulty locating a condiment bottle in a refrigerator.
"Fifteen yards away? You can spot the f---- deer, you can't find the pickles? I'm just just f---- confused."
She then shifted her grievances towards men who question why women feel the need to spend money on getting their nails and hair done: "And then men will complain that their wife or girlfriend wants to spend money on nails, lashes, hair, fillers, botox, whatever the f---- it is, but if you say, look at all the money you spend on golfing and hunting, and they say oh that's a one time f------- thing, golf clubs are a one-time thing, my hunting rifle's a one-time thing."
She says even though men would assert that the expenditures of their hobbies were a "one time thing" that "where's the venison in my freezer? Because we're having Chicken Parmesan tonight. Because I don't have a back strap. I don't have a back strap babe."

Rose then digs into another costly hobby that takes up hours upon hours of men's time: "How much were those golf clubs? I know you can't afford really good ones and you got those off Facebook Marketplace, but like what use are you putting to them? Was Tiger Woods at the golf course?"
She continued to question why someone would be into golf to highlight just how unfair the double standard is when it comes to scrutinizing the hobbies women partake in: "Why the money that you spend towards your golf clubs and your golf shoes and your golf clothes and your f----- golf membership at the whatever f------ country club you're at, and the beer and the beer girl and lunch, you can [do] that every Sunday?"
She then equated the cost of the hypothetical (but it sure sounds like she's referring to one person in particular) man's weekly golf outing to a much greater prolonged value of her hobby of undergoing cosmetic surgery: "Add all that money up that could get me filler for six months. I'm confused?"

If you were watching this video and thinking that Rose was using her TikTok account as a means of airing her grievances with her current significant other, she clarifies that this certainly isn't the case, as she gave her seal of approval for the hobby he engages in: "I am so glad that my husband's hobby is the f----- gym. I swear, I will never date a hunter ever again. Absolutely not."
It seems that there were a lot of women who could relate to Rose's post: "This is my husband!!! He had the audacity to go golfing Saturday and TURN HIS PHONE OFF! When I get my hair done once every 4 months I get a call"
Another user on the platform said that they were shocked after their husband dropped $5,000 on a golfing trip, but had a problem with her doing a bit of shopping at TJ Maxx: "My hubby called from his 5k golf trip to fuss about $40 at tj maxx. The audacity"

However there were women who responded to Rose's post who said that their own spouses didn't engage in this kind of minute-counting, nagging behavior while they were out and about: "Please do not settle for this. My husband encourages me to go out with my friends, and the only time he texts and to make sure I’m doing alright"
Someone else penned: "I feel so lucky. My husband would NEVER call me to ask me where the ketchup was if im getting my hair or nails done he just checks on me too"
A husband in the comments said he doesn't engage in this behavior either: "I’ve been married for 23 years! I never call or text when she’s out anywhere. Hell i just sent her and her best friend to Paris for a week! yep"

Unfortunately, there were also people who highlighted extreme cases of this kind of selfishness, like one TikToker who was denied wearing shoes that actually fit her so her father could ride a motor cycle and enjoy a crisp new TV set: "my dad telling me we couldn’t afford new shoes that fit me as a kid but he can buy himself a $5000 tv and morotcycle+ gear"