Worker Tests the Men’s vs. Women’s "Key Theory" — and the Stereotypes Turned Out to Be True
"Carrying house keys on car keys is a HUGE NO-NO."

Published May 15 2024, 6:10 p.m. ET

A woman on TikTok named Hunter (@hd33333) previously went viral after posting a video demonstrating the difference in how women arrive to work versus how men show up at the office. And it was such a hit that the gears started churning in people's heads and they started to wonder if there were any other comparisons and contrasts that could be done within the battle of the sexes.
Which is what prompted a second video that folks on the popular social media app seemed to gobble up more as it earned more than 3 times the amount of views as the first clip: Hunter's "key fob comparison" video has raked in a whopping 1.9 million views as of this writing.
The clip begins with Hunter approaching a female co-worker with the thesis clearly stated in an embedded comment from another TikTok user that is presumably the impetus for the clip.
It reads: "@Hunter you should compare the women's keys to the guys' keys, big difference."
Hunter asks the co-worker if she can see her keys. "Sure," she replies after popping up out of her chair and heading toward the wall to grab a set of keys. The woman swings the large set of keys which more closely resembles the Belmont Clan's Vampire Killer than it does a keychain.
The co-worker, seemingly acknowledging the comedy that comes from showing off such a large key ring, smiles and laughs into the camera as the video transitions to another co-worker, who is seated at her desk and writing on a notepad: "Can I see your keys?" Hunters asks her.

The woman smiles into the camera and pops open her purse, extricating a set of keys from the bag. While not as unwieldy as the previous woman's set, she does rock an assortment of keychain attachments that would be difficult to stuff into one's pocket.
"Hey can I see your keys?" she says to someone else who is seated at a desk, a multi-colored floral design in front of them. The woman pulls out a large carabiner with several keys attached to them from her purse.

The next woman, when prompted the same question, pops up from her desk and over to her black bag decked out with small cherry designs. Like the first person featured in the video, there's a large wad of keys attached to chain and this one has a strap with her name stitched into it.
She asks another woman wearing a dark blue jacket at her desk, who pulls out what appears to be a car fob with several other keys dangling from beneath it.
Next up is the male section of the video. She approaches a guy sitting at his desk and asks to take a gander at his keys.

"My keys?" he says.
"Your keys," she repeats as he pats through his pockets and extricates a single key fob which he slides across the table. Hunter laughs from behind the camera at the stark contrast.
Another man is next up: "Can I see your keys?" she asks him.
"What keys?" he asks.
"Your car keys?" she specifies as he reaches into his pocket and sure enough, it's just a single keyfob. It's two for two on the threadbare men's key count as she continues to laugh.

Can I see your keys? She asks another man in an office who seems confused at first as he smiles.
"Why?" he says, as he takes them from out of his pocket. It's a single car key fob with three keys attached to it. Hunter laughs again, before heading to the final participant, another man, in the office.
"Can I see your keys?" she asks him as he immediately takes them from out of his pocket and rests them on the table. It's a single keyfob, with a few small keys attached to it via a key ring.

While there were several TikTokers who confirmed that their own key sets are certainly in line with the ones posted in Hunter's clip along with their corresponding gender, there were other folks who said that this wasn't the case when it came to them.
What do your keys look like?