If 'The Titan Games' Sound Like Child's Play, Here's Your Chance at Competing on 'Million Dollar Mile'
Updated March 26 2019, 2:02 p.m. ET

Just when you think you've seen it all in the way of physically trying competitions — between The Rock's super extreme Titan Games and The Challenge, where MTV reality show stars duke it out — there's about to be another athletic competition show to add to your queue.
This one is called Million Dollar Mile and it's going to premiere on March 27 on CBS. We know it'll be good because some of the best names in the industries feature prominently: it's LeBron James' brainchild, hosted by former football and current baseball champ Tim Tebow, and produced by the guys who brought us Big Brother.

"I'll give you a game: To win one million dollars, just run one mile," LeBron's voice states in the goosebump-inducing trailer. "Along the way, there'll be obstacles. Run. Run as hard as you can. There's only one catch. You're about to be chased by a world-class athlete. Victory's only a mile away."
How does Million Dollar Mile work?
We don't know about you but our hearts are beating faster from that one intro alone. The gist of Million Dollar Mile is simple ... ish: They've transformed a few blocks of Downtown Los Angeles into the most demented obstacle course you've ever seen in your life.

Contestants have to complete this challenging course while a world-class athlete, whose goal is to stop them from winning the $1 million, attempts to beat them to the finish line. Obstacles include the "Bamboo Forest," a 75-foot-long field of spring-mounted poles, "Spiraling Up," a 40-foot climb to the top of a circular staircase followed by a huge leap to the ground, as well as "Flies on the Wall," "Momentum" and a "Deep Water Solo."
Competitors may choose to tackle any obstacle in any order, but "to win the million dollars," commentator Matt "Money" Smith explains, "they must complete all five and exit the course by scaling up the side of a 15-story building and zip-line back to the stage where the final million dollar challenge awaits." All of that before the professional athlete who's chasing them the whole time manages to finishes the course, no big deal.

Here's how you can compete on Million Dollar Mile.
It sounds like a never-ending trial of endurance, but we're here for it, if you just give us a second to catch our breath. If you, on the other hand, are keen on having your mental and physical toughness tested and work well under pressure, don't miss the chance to apply for your shot at $1 million bucks.
Million Dollar Mile welcomes submissions from athletes of all types and backgrounds, so as long as you're between the ages of 18 and 60, LeBron doesn't mind if you haven't competed since track and field in high school. Just head over to the show's casting page and be ready to write a few sentences about what makes you an athlete, what your physical strengths and weaknesses are, and what your story is.

You're also going to want to dust off that CV because they want to know about any past TV show appearances, three fun facts about you, and how you found out about the show (you can say you read about it here, we don't mind). Then, you'll have to record a quick video so they know you can work a camera.
Good luck to all future contestants, we can't wait to see you Wednesday nights on TV.
Million Dollar Mile premieres tomorrow at 9 p.m. on CBS.