Woman Shows the Stark Differences Between Full-Time and Part-Time Employee Parties

Published March 23 2023, 11:40 a.m. ET
If you're a fight fan and have ever watched a pugilist who has been champion of their division for several years, oftentimes the "champ" can devolve into a very safe fighter who doesn't take risks in their bouts. Some folks call it the "Floyd Mayweather effect," i.e. when someone is set on preserving what they've attained, the idea of taking any kind of risk is really, really scary.
And while comparing lunch with full-time co-workers to getting inside a ring or a cage and fighting someone is a big stretch, maybe it could explain what's going on in TikToker Kiaya Hamrick's (@kiayahamrick) video.
The full-time folks she's working with are all acting prim and proper during an outing, maybe because they're afraid of losing their jobs that come with benefits, paid vacations, and a decent salary.
It's also worth noticing the countenances of everyone seated at the corporate lunch. It almost looks like everyone present at this meal is there out of some type of obligation. They're sitting there, clearly un-amused, as if there's some invisible being in the background holding a gun to their backs.
In the second half of the clip, she shows what an outing with her part-time minimum wage co-workers looks like, and everyone there is completely wilding out and looking like they're having the time of their lives.

Other users on the platform who viewed Kiaya's video couldn't help but notice the stark contrast either, with some speculating as to why there is such a marked difference between the two groups.

"Honestly part-time be like that, everyone doesn’t care and just wants to have fun," one person wrote. Another said, "I can’t stand co-workers who are so 'proper' in everything. Like relax Rebecca, HR is not around."

Others thought that the disparate outings seemed very similar to one of the most successful films of all time: "Looks the scene in titanic when rose was having dinner in first class then went below deck with the commoners"

However there were some folks who had their own theories as to why the part-time employees in Kiaya's video were letting loose compared to their full-time working counterparts: it's because they weren't as burnt out: "Part time be like that cause they’re not drained from working"

And then there were those who thought that the reason why everyone was so reserved during the full-time staffing lunch was that folks like to engage in George R.R. Martin's game of office chairs: "That’s cuz the higher-ups can turn on u"

One TikTok user boiled it down to a simple adage: there are those who work to live and others who live to work.
However, there were some folks who said that they would need to be paid if they were ever invited out to a brunch with their coworkers: "I would need to be paid to have a brunch with my coworkers. And even then I might refuse"

This is something that Kiaya admitted to expressing in the past herself: "HAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAH . They have asked me to do things before and I have responded 'yea I’ll go if I’m getting paid for it'"