Here’s What You Get if You Buy a $1,495 Ticket to Tyra Banks's ModelLand Theme Park

Updated Feb. 26 2020, 3:04 p.m. ET

As if an incredibly successful career as a supermodel/TV host/producer/author/singer wasn’t quite enough, Tyra Banks can add another title to the list: Theme park mogul. Tyra has announced that her model-themed attraction, ModelLand, is opening soon. Now, you might be wondering — what, exactly, is ModelLand? Here’s what we know.
‘ModelLand’ started out as a book.
In May of 2010, Tyra announced that she’d be writing a book called Modelland (all one word, pronounced “model land”). Modelland was published in 2011. It’s the story of a young girl named Tookie De La Crème who is invited to the mysterious, magical modeling school on top of a mountain in hopes of becoming something called an Intoxibella (presumably a really, really good model).

Tyra says the book was loosely based on her own modeling experience. It was originally supposed to be the first book of a trilogy, but it doesn’t seem like Tyra has any plans to continue the series. America’s Next Top Model fans will remember that there was actually a shoot inspired by Modelland in Cycle 17. It included a kind of bonkers video that featured Tyra sucking Tyson Beckford’s thumb. But we digress.
Now, ModelLand is a Santa Monica Pier attraction.
We’re gonna be honest — it doesn’t really seem like anyone (except Tyra) knows exactly what ModelLand is, but here’s everything we’ve been able to suss out so far. According to Tyra’s website, ModelLand is “a location-based attraction where those who walk through its doors will find their fierce, discover their unique beauty, or be discovered.”
She also says it’s an “experiential attraction that will emulate a fantasy version of the modeling world with state-of-the-art interactive entertainment where beauty, fashion, tech, theater, retail, and an eating extravaganza collide.”

ModelLand tickets are now officially on sale.
There are three pricing options for ModelLand tickets — General Access ($59 plus fees), Fantascene Photoshoot ($549 plus fees), and Fantascene Dream ($1,495 plus fees).
With a General Access ticket, you get a digital lookbook “customized with phierce [sic] photos of you,” “Immersive theatre where YOU are part of the show,” access to “experiential closets,” professional photography moments, posing tips and tricks, and custom lighting that compliments your skin tone and features. This is all the info available online at the moment, so no, we have no idea what an “experiential closet” is.
The Fantascene Photoshoot tickets include everything from the General Access tier, but looks like it adds hair, makeup, and wardrobe styling and a photoshoot in the “luxurious grand lounge.” Oh, it also includes a “signature blood orange beverage,” which we can all agree is exactly the kind of beverage one would expect after paying $549 for a ticket.

And then we come to the Fantascene Dream tickets (which, remember, costs nearly ONE THOUSAND FIVE-HUNDRED U.S. DOLLARS). Fantascene Dream ticket holders are promised “The Ultimate Concierge service.” That includes a personal consultation with a fashion and beauty expert, veiled VIP seating (what?), wardrobe changes, and a “custom curated row for Instagram.”
The greatest travesty of the Fantascene Dream tier is that there is no signature blood orange beverage. But don’t freak out just yet — you get a handcrafted ModelLand elixir and an assortment of artisanal truffles instead. You also get admittance to the General Access area, should you deign to bless those peasants with your phierce beauty.
ModelLand officially opens on May 1.
We’re pretty sure that the only way one can understand the true essence of ModelLand is to be Tyra Banks herself. Barring that, it looks like you may have to spend a lot of money to take some cool pictures for the ‘gram. We can’t wait to hear more about the “experiential attraction” when it’s finally open to the public!