Here's What to Know About MoistCr1tikal's Recent Debate With Sneako: "I Didn't Know It Was Being Streamed"
"I didn't know this was a debate."

Published Aug. 1 2024, 5:16 p.m. ET

If you've seen one of MoistCr1tikal's many monikers popping up in your social media feeds recently, you're not alone. The YouTuber, who also goes by Cr1tikal, Penguinz0, or his real name, Charlie, has become a hot topic of conversation following a recent debate with controversial creator Sneako — which Charlie claims he didn't know was being streamed live.
This isn't the first time that Charlie and Sneako have gone viral for their longstanding beef, but during their most recent tiff, Charlie made a contentious comment that would come back to haunt him.
What exactly did he say, and what has he said about the situation since then?

What did Charlie say in his debate with Sneako?
In their live-streamed debate, which came about following a butting of heads over trans creator Ava Tyson's recent grooming controversy, the two found themselves embroiled in an argument over trans rights.
Sneako, who publicly holds anti-trans views, raised a question about the ethics behind allowing children to undergo transition surgery. In a clip that has now been widely circulated, he asked Charlie a loaded question: "If I [as a hypothetical minor] want to cut my penis off, I can go right into the clinic, snip it off, and start taking HRT like [Ava] Tyson ...That's a society that makes sense to you?"
Charlie's response, which is what has landed him in hot water, was this: "It is. ... I believe everyone has the right to do with their body what they want to do."
A few days later, Charlie posted a YouTube video to his channel addressing the controversy and explaining his side of the story.
"I didn't know it was being streamed until about an hour and 40 [minutes] in. ... I thought he was talking in hyperbole," Charlie explained. "I thought he was just exaggerating, being over the top, talking about the entire subject of transitioning. I had no idea that any living, breathing human being actually thought that that's how transitioning works."
Is MoistCr1tikal retiring from YouTube? No, but he's stepping away from 'The Official' and 'Red Thread' podcasts.
In this aftermath of Charlie's controversy, Patreon supporters of The Official Podcast and the Red Thread podcast received a message titled, "Goodbye Charlie." The message explained that he would be stepping away from both podcasts, going on an "indefinite hiatus to scale back his time spent on the internet."
While many believed that this meant he would also be retiring from YouTube, he has since clarified that that's not the case at all.
"I didn't know I was retiring, that's news to me," Charlie said of the rumors in his YouTube video. "It turns out that the patient zero behind all of this was a post Jackson made announcing that I would be leaving the podcasts. ... I started to realize I was just ... always online, and the podcasts were a big proponent of that."
"I just kind of wanted to scale back the amount of time I spent online," he continued, "So I kept Jackson in the loop the whole time ... and last week I told him, 'Hey man, I think this is gonna be where I hang up the jersey.'"