“He's Never Played Soccer a Day in His Life” — Mom Accidentally Enrolls Son in Travel Soccer

Published Sept. 8 2023, 1:15 p.m. ET
A mom on TikTok says she deserves for her son to be cursing her out after she bumbled signing him up for soccer. No, she didn't not sign him up — quite the opposite.
The mom, who shares content on the social sharing platform using the handle @cfayee, admits she should have questioned some red flags along the way, but in the end, enrolled her son on a competitive travel soccer team, despite the fact that he barely knew what a soccer ball looked like until a few weeks prior.
By the time this mom realized she'd signed her newbie soccer player up for a travel team, "It was too late."
After her son asked if he could play on a team, the mom shares in her viral TikTok that she went ahead and signed him up for soccer.
But after confiding in a friend how much she paid for the season, the mom realized she'd committed a major parenting fail.

Indeed, the friend said they didn't pay as much as the mom did. "Hmm ... that's weird," the mom thought at the time, but let it go.
Then, two weeks later, her son was asked to get fitted for uniforms.
The mom was further mystified that the uniforms looked different than she recalled seeing previously. "Maybe they just got new uniforms," she concluded.
When the schedule got posted, "it clicked," she said.
Yup, she signed her kid up "not for rec (recreation)" soccer. Instead, she had unwittingly enrolled her son in a program that is a far bigger commitment, and that he likely wasn't quite ready for.
"I signed him up for competitive travel soccer," the mom deadpans in the video.
The thing is, her son has "never played soccer a day in his life."
"To be honest with you, I don't think he knew what a soccer ball looked like until like two weeks ago," she jokes.
The mom explains that she went back to the league and said, "This might not be for us."
But it was too late for her to get a refund. So, she says, "At that point, I had no choice." The mom decided they would "ride with it," and she decided not to tell her son about her parenting fail.
The son immediately knew his mom had done him dirty — albeit accidentally.
Sure, this TikTok mom had made the choice not to admit to her parenting fail and just let her son think she'd signed him up for soccer, exactly as he'd wanted.
Except the instant they pulled up to the first practice, the mom says her son "took one look at the field," with players doing dribbling drills, and turned to her and questioned, "Is this rec?"
She was caught red-handed!
"This kid woke up on a Tuesday and decided he wanted to play soccer, and by the looks of it, these kids were playing in their mothers' wombs," she admits about how the practice looked.
Trying to see the bright side, the mom ends her TikTok by noting that at least her child will get better at soccer! Unfortunately, as she lamented about her son, "He may never talk to me again."
After the practice, however, as she shared in the comments section, her son said he felt "challenged."
It's worth noting that a lot of commenters were scratching their heads after seeing this unwilling soccer mom's account of her son joining a travel team, with one expressing what we were all thinking: "It's weird that they didn't have tryouts."
The mom clarified in the comments that was simply "small town vibes."
Meanwhile, if you want to follow the "soccer saga," this mom has decided to keep followers updated, as demands for her to turn the season ito a series grow online. And so far, her son is loving it!
Go figure.