TikTok Mom Criticized for Letting 9-Year-Old Get Nose Pierced

Published Jan. 4 2023, 4:48 p.m. ET

There are a number of people who think it's straight-up child abuse to physically alter a kid's body by allowing them to get piercings or tattoos before they're old enough to make that decision for themselves. Heck, there are even a bunch of folks who are lobbying to ban circumcisions in America, calling it a form of child bodily mutilation.
Whenever it comes to the topic of children, folks on the internet are always going to have an opinion, whether it has to do with piercings, down to the very foods you allow or don't allow them to eat.
So it comes as no surprise that TikToker Meagan Black (@megz_nichole217) came under fire after she posted a clip on her account that shows her nine-year-old daughter, Bella, rocking a nose ring. Many remarked that Meagan was a bad mother for letting her child get a nose-ring so young.
The 28-year-old mother from Illinois responded to the hate in a series of TikToks. In one clip that amassed over 1 million views, Meagan sticks up her middle finger to the camera after pantomiming the action of playing a tiny violin with one hand.

In a subsequent video she showed off a video montage of her 9-year-old doing 9-year-old things like swimming, goofing around, and being "just a normal kid."

Meagan, herself has a nose piercing on the opposite nostril of her daughter. She responded to remarks from other TikTokers who questioned whether or not there was an age limit for getting a nose piercing, mentioning that Bella didn't want to get her ears pierced and opted for her nose instead.

One user who commented, "she genuinely needs help" was promptly replied to by Meagan, who said, "She's perfectly okay, long story short she's had a hard childhood a lot of things happened that were out of my control so she is being treated for anxiety and doing these videos of her being silly, that's all, she's being silly helps her cope."
Meagan continued, "So keep the negative comments to yourself because she is a child a completely normal child that is just goofy that's it. She won student of the month at her school she has the highest reading level in her grade. The world is already crappy so can you just be nice I mean it is a child."

Another TikTok user asked Megan flat-out if her nine-year-old child was "on drugs" and the TikToker made it quite clear she didn't appreciate the comment.
"I have no words, really. Is she not allowed to express herself? Making other people laugh makes her happy. Her nose ring makes her happy and it's not hurting anybody not even her. Stop saying weird stuff. I put it nicely about my 9 year old child. I'm sorry that your kids aren't funny."
In another video, Meagan posted a question-and-answer session with Bella responding to people's comments as well. In the video, the child makes several faces and then says she doesn't want to hear any mean-spirited remarks from other people on the platform.
Meagan adds in the clip that Bella's father approves of the nose ring, and under Ohio state law, where the family resides, there's nothing stopping a child from getting a piercing as long as a parent is there to provide consent.