"Never Laughed So Hard": This Mom's Son Found an Incredibly Creative Use for One of Her Tampons

Published Nov. 13 2023, 3:35 p.m. ET

This is recycling
Tampons can certainly be very confusing. I have a notoriously bad memory which is why I can't really recall when I started using them. It was if I always have. Surely there was life before menstruation but I'll be darned if I have any recollection of what that looked like. I am also positive I must have stumbled upon my mother's tampons or pads, but I mostly recall trying to sneak into the den so I could catch episodes of Real Sex on HBO. It was a more interesting endeavor.
Nowadays I use a menstrual disc and it has saved me in more ways than one. First and foremost, I love not spending money on tampons every month. Secondly, menstrual discs are far more comfortable than tampons which always felt like I was jamming the sword back into the stone. What I do appreciate about tampons is how versatile they are, which is something one woman figured out after discovering one in her son's room. Read on to find out what this tiny MacGyver did with his mom's tampon.

A sea of tampons
If you're missing a tampon, just check your son's room.
Cassandra Johnson, who goes by @cassandrajohnson498 on TikTok, had just dropped her children off at school and planned to use the alone time to do some straightening up when she discovered something unexpected in her son's room. "Oh my God, you cannot make this s--- up," she said while entering the pristine bedroom.
I'm not kidding when I say this is one of the cleanest bedrooms I've ever seen, and I don't mean clean for a kid. I have to assume she uploaded this TikTok after going through that place with a can of Pledge and a pair of white gloves. Mary Poppins could never.
As someone who loves a knick-knack and a tchotchke, I know the drama that comes with dusting an environment like this. You can try to go around every tiny item on a shelf but at the end of the day, if you want to be thorough you gotta move everything to a neutral place. I always use my mattress, before I've put on the new set of clean sheets.
Cassandra pans around a room that looks more like a comic book shop than a bedroom. Collectible action figures stand proudly on floating shelves, just waiting for a klutz like me to accidentally knock them over.

Boys will be boys!
As Cassandra reaches the end of the shelves, we finally see what has given her pause. Her son's Blue Beetle action figure is standing proudly next to the Flash. In his hand he is clutching a weapon of some sort. But wait, why does the Blue Beetle's club have a string on the end? Is this so he doesn't lose it?
That's right, Blue Beetle is clutching an opened, unused tampon in his hand. The best part is the fact that the blue tampon matches perfectly with Blue Beetle's suit. No notes! Here's hoping that tampon can properly absorb some blows from an enemy.
Parents have found worse things in the bedrooms of their children.
According to the Independent, a teenager's bedroom can be the stuff of nightmares. I wouldn't go in one alone. One woman found a Pringles tube filled with urine while another found a mouse beneath her kid's bed, sweetly tucked into a pile of discarded Twix wrappers. You've heard of a twin bed? Well, this is a Twix bed.
Apparently finding urine in odd locations is the norm. I once dated someone who was addicted to online gambling. He would sit in my room for days playing poker on a computer. When we broke up, I found several water bottles filled with urine under my bed. To be clear, this was an adult man, not a teenager.
I suppose the point of the story is, teach your children to clean up after themselves as soon as possible. Not only will this help you to avoid a potentially upsetting discovery, but it's a useful skill they can carry into adulthood. After all, you potty trained them for a reason and it wasn't so they could pee into an empty Cup O'Noodles container or similar.