“She Is So Real for This” — Mom Helps Daughter Lie to Cops, Doesn’t Know It’s a Prank

Published Oct. 29 2024, 5:00 a.m. ET

It's always nice to know when your parents have got your back, even when it comes to run-ins with the law. TikToker Kamryn Woolf (@kamrynwoolf) recorded an interaction with her mother that proves her mom is definitely one of those parents willing to lie for her kids if it means protecting her from the law.
In a viral TikTok, which she records from her parked car, she gives her mother a ring. Once the woman picks up, she tells her that she "screwed up" by driving "55 in a 30" leaving her "freaked out," as a result.
Mom has no idea that her daughter is pranking her to document her reaction and share it with the internet.
"Cause I was on the phone," she says to her mother, who asks her daughter to continue talking. Kamryn continues to speak, "And I told the cop that you fell in the shower and broke your leg so he wouldn't arrest me."
At this point in the video, Kamryn's mother audibly gasps, clearly not happy with her daughter's decision to lie to authorities. "I know," the TikToker says in response to her mom's clear displeasure at being put in this situation.
Kamryn continues to sell the prank. "And he's ... Mom ... you're gonna kill me but I need you to do this for me."
The disappointment in her mother's voice is palpable — her mother even employs the use of her daughter's middle name when calling her out.

"Kamryn Lynette."
The TikToker says, "Mom, he's following me home to make sure you're OK."
There's a pause at this point in the video. "What the heck do you want to do?" Her mother asks. It sounds like she's in to help her daughter, but wants some instruction on how to best go about it.
The video then cuts to her walking into her house. "Mom?" Kamryn's mother can be heard speaking off camera. "Where are you?" She asks as she ambles through the home.
"I'm right here," she says; it appears that her voice is emanating from her bedroom.

"Are you OK?" she asks. The noise actually isn't coming from the bedroom, but the bathroom. Kamryn walks into there, as mom sells that she's severely injured. She lets out an anguished, "I don't know!"

The camera person enters the bathroom and mom appears to be naked, a towel covering her body. Once the camera person enters, Mom immediately starts laughing. "I hate you," she says, realizing that she just got pranked.
"I hate you!" she says, cackling as Kamryn can't hold in her laughter any longer. She starts howling and giggling as mom holds the towel to her body.
As the video comes to a close, her mother says that she even "put fake tears" in her eyes in order to help sell the performance to authorities.

It was evident after receiving the call from her daughter that she was willing to go all out in order to help get her daughter out of whatever legal repercussions she was going to face for speeding.
Several TikTokers who saw the post commended Kamryn's mother for being a ride or die for her child. "HAHAHAHA SHE IS SO REAL FOR THIS," one person remarked.

Someone else commented: "She COMMITTED."
While others thought the exchange was an example of how great of a bond the two women share is. "I love how you both immediately start laughing."
"I’m cryinggggg your mom is amazing," someone else penned.