Mom Influencer Blasted for Holding Up Drive-Thru to Let Kid Order From Back Seat

Published May 1 2023, 10:09 a.m. ET

Toeing the line between making sure your kids are gaining the social skills they need in order to thrive among their fellow humans and grow up to be successful, fully functional adults, and not annoying the ever-loving heck out of everyone around them in the process of doing so can be difficult for folks to figure out sometimes.
Like everything in life, deciding between the right and wrong moments to do this is often situational. Let's say you want your kid to be OK with speaking publicly: having them present a book report in front of their classmates, in school, while they develop those skills would be the place to do that.
Or maybe they want to talk in front of their family members at a function/gathering or give a speech in front of their Tae Kwon Do class after getting to a new belt level.
But what about when your kids' learning moment comes at the expense of other people's time?
Like when you're in a busy drive-thru with throngs of cars behind you? Is that the moment you have your kid practice their ordering chops at the menu window as they learn the nuances of loudspeaker ordering? Or are you just gumming up the work and thinking that your child is more important than folks getting their meals on time?
TikToker Ashlyn Ross (@ashlyn_ross) was visiting a Lumberton, Texas Dairy Queen location where she recorded her young son, Cove, putting his head out of the window and placing his order at the popular ice cream and fast food chain.
She writes in a caption for the video: "At first I tried to tell Cove that DQ didn't allow kids to order but as you can see- he got his way"
Cove is polite to the DQ employee, saying, "Ma'am?"
Ashlyn hops in: "Say I'm ready," she tells her son.
"I'm ready," Cove says, before asking, "Do you let kids order?"
"Say that again?" the employee asks.
"Yes, just order just say a Dilly bar," Ashlyn instructs him.
He then tells the worker: "Briggs wants a Dilly bar and I wanna dipped cone please."

Cove then begins telling his mother that "JC wants something," but after Ashlyn informs the young man that she already purchased JC an item, he still attempts to try and continue the order.
The video cuts out with Ashlyn ending the clip telling him, "No, no" as Cove begins to continue to talk to the worker.
TikTokers were conflicted about allowing a child to order in the drive-thru. One user on the platform said that while they appreciated the idea of it, in practice, it was frustrating from the worker's perspective to handle orders doled out by kids.

"We love the idea of this but it’s already so difficult to hear adult customers through the speaker it’s almost impossible to understand children," they wrote.

Others were a bit blunert: "I would be so over it"
"Girl don’t do this to the workers"
"Nah this would drive me crazy"

But there were other people who thought that the video was cute, especially when Cove asked the employee if they "let kids order."
Two other folks said that when they worked in the fast food industry they loved it when kids would place an order.

"I’ve worked in fast food and when a kid ordered my heart melted and made me laugh! This is so cute!"
"He’s very polite. When I worked in a fast food restaurant, I loved when kids would order by themselves"