Mom's Ultrasound Reveals 2-Year-Old-Growth With Teeth and Hair in Viral TikTok

Updated April 13 2023, 9:19 a.m. ET

The human body is capable of some pretty amazing things. There have been stories of mothers deadlifting 3,000-pound cars off of the ground to save children's lives. People have been struck by lightning and survived, and there are folks who can sit through all of the 2012 Les Miserables film without laughing at how ginormous Hugh Jackman is in the flick. (Aren't they supposed to be going through a famine? The man's eating all the protein in France!)
And there are definitely some medical oddities that doctors encounter on the daily that are truly befuddling. One TikToker and mom was experiencing abdominal pain and strange bleeding, so she decided to visit her gynecologist. She received a diagnosis that users said sounded like something lifted right out of a horror movie.
User @sandwitchbread talked about the circumstances of her visit. She said that for two years after the birth of her son, she experienced weird symptoms that worsened with time. When her doctor had recommended that she undergo an ultrasound, she thought that she was either pregnant or was suffering from a severe illness like cancer.
But she learned that neither of those were the case: There were actually two-year-old teeth and hair growing inside of her uterus, also known as a dermoid cyst.

WebMd says, "A dermoid cyst is a saclike growth that is present at birth. It contains structures such as hair, fluid, teeth, or skin glands that can be found on or in the skin. Dermoid cysts grow slowly and are not tender unless ruptured. They usually occur on the face, inside the skull, on the lower back, and in the ovaries.

Her body apparently was developing two separate dermoid cysts: one that was the size of an egg you'd find in a supermarket and the other was much smaller, the size of a pea.

So what happened? Well, the TikToker's doctor told her that while her son was developing inside of her body, some of his fetal tissue had broken off of him and lodged itself into another part of her uterus. It then developed into a dermoid cyst.

"So, for two years now, I’ve had particles of my son … growing in my uterus," the TikToker and mom said. What's more, is that she included a photo of a dermoid cyst for users, so they can understand what was growing inside of her. You may want to read the comments section to know whether or not it's something that you'll want to look at.

Some TikTokers called the image the most disturbing piece of content that they ever saw on the platform. Others said that hearing her story just reconfirmed that they never wanted to have children.
"Every day this app provides me with another reason to remove my uterus," @shaynarc0 said.

A user who claimed that they were an ultrasound tech clarified in the comments section that the tissue inside of the mom's uterus was actually hers and didn't belong to her son. "Ultrasound tech here. It’s actually not your son’s tissue, it’s yours! It’s been present since birth, it just grows very slowly. Crazy!!" @jacyalana said.