SAHM Asks Husband If She Can Go on a Solo Trip for her Birthday, He Calls Her "Selfish"

Published May 11 2023, 3:46 p.m. ET

If you ever need some honest advice, there is no better place to go than Reddit. Here is where you can find information on just about everything. You can even let the internet take a vote on whether you're being a total jerk in a particular situation in what is called the AITA ( “Am I the a--hole?”) subreddit.
Well, one mom recently took to the platform to ask fellow Redditors if she was being selfish by wanting to take a vacation without her husband and kids for her birthday. Before you make your mind up on that one, make sure to learn all the facts of her situation down below.

Husband calls wife "selfish" for wanting to take a vacation by herself.
Redditor u/Suspicious_Light_190 took to the platform to explain her current predicament. Basically, her 33rd birthday is coming up soon, and she wants to treat herself to a weeklong vacation somewhere without her husband and kids. She explains they've been married for 12 years and have three kids together between the ages of seven and two.
The kids' main caretaker is her. She is also responsible for all other household duties like laundry, cooking, and cleaning. Referring to herself as a stay-at-home-mom, she also reveals she is self-employed. "So after I look after the children all day, I then work for a couple of hours on my laptop," she writes.
That said, this mom has a lot on her plate, which is why she was looking to get away for a week by herself.
She confirms that her husband regularly just has two responsibilities in the house. "He walks the dogs in the morning and he goes to work full time (8-6). More often than not, he falls asleep at 8pm. He works in IT."
That said, for the week she planned to go on her trip, she suggested that her husband take care of the kids and the house while she's gone, explaining that he has ample PTO. In fact, she claims that he lost 12 days of PTO the year prior because he never used it.

But her husband did not like this idea one bit. "He told me I was selfish. 'It's selfish to want to go on holiday for a week for my birthday?' He said yes," she wrote.

Redditors left their thoughts in her comment section, all of which slammed her husband. It appeared everyone was in unison that she was NTA (not the a--hole).
Many even opined that the household duties were split unevenly and he should do more. u/Suspicious_Light_190 gave even more details claiming that he puts the older kids to bed "most" evenings, but skips out on giving them a bath and story time.

One commenter even suggested that they go to couples therapy. "This sounds like a hugely unfair setup and no wonder you are feeling so burned out. He's not pulling his weight at all here," the Redditor wrote.
Welp, the internet has weighed in and no one is siding with u/Suspicious_Light_190's husband. The ironic thing about all of this is that she said wrote that he was the one who suggested that they ask Reddit who is in the wrong. Better luck next time, husband.