Mom Says Son Tried to Make Cup O' Noodles and Ended Up in Emergency Room as Skin Melted Off

Published June 28 2023, 5:18 p.m. ET

Being a parent is the hardest job in the world. There’s no rule book on how to raise your child. Oftentimes, you end up learning from experience, but not all experiences are easy.
One mom took to TikTok to share her son's unexpected accident with a common microwavable food product while she stepped out of the room. What transpired will shock you.

A mom says her son ended up in the intensive burn care unit for days after trying to make himself a Cup O' Noodles.
"I'm only even coming on here because I don't ever want a child to experience what my son has been through the past few days," says TikTok user @legofam.
She explains that her little boy has been in the burn ICU unit after a terrible and completely unexpected accident involving a Cup O' Noodles, which her kids are big fans of.
That said, her elementary school-aged son wanted a Cup O' Noodles and thought he could make it in the microwave without mom's help. While he did make it correctly, it was what happened after he took it out of the microwave that has traumatized @legofam and her family.
"He ended up dropping the entire Cup O' Noodles in his lap," said @legofam, adding, "Immediately, he is screaming at the top of his lungs."
He ended up taking his pants off only to find out that his skin was already melting off "like a literal ice cream cone," according to @legofam.
She and her son got in the car and went straight to the emergency room, where things got a lot worse before they got better.
"Little did we know at that point that he already had deep second degree burns at that point," said @legofam.
And as she further learned at the hospital, "a burn like that does not stop burning even though you took the hot water off and put medicine on." It can still continue to burn for up to 72 hours and get even worse.
@legofam explained that this horrible burn was all over her son's groin, thighs, and private area. And even though he had been given fentanyl and morphine to relax him, he would not stop screaming from the pain.
For treatment, the hospital ended up putting pig skin over his burns to close the nerves.
And while @legofam's story seems like a rare accident, the surgeon and nurses at the hospital informed her that this is a common accident they see with kids.

In the comment section, users sent their best to @legofam and reminded her that she's still a great mom.
"It's not your fault. Just an unfortunate accident. Sending healing vibes," wrote one user.

Other parents even started sharing their most traumatic parenting moments to show @legofam that these horrible guilt-inducing accidents happen to the best of us.
"Today my daughter (8 months old) crawled off our bed, face first on the hardwood floor. The worst scorpion fall you could ever imagine," read one parent's comment.
Others responded to that comment by explaining that their children also had similar accidents.
In a follow-up video, @legofam shared that her son was doing much better and there's a chance he might be released early. She also noted that while her son's physical wounds will mostly heal, the mental scarring won't, so she will be putting him in therapy. @legofam and her husband are considering going to therapy as well to help cope with the guilt.
Sending our best to their family.