The New 'Marvel Avengers' Game Introduces Monica and A.I.M. as the Supervillains

Updated Sept. 1 2020, 7:43 p.m. ET

Marvel's Avengers franchise is home to many comic fans' favorite superheroes. While there are a slew of new shows coming to Disney+ to fill the space Avengers: Endgame left behind, there's also a new video game on its way. And like any new addition to the MCU, with it comes some new never-before featured characters.
Marvel Avengers, which will be released on Sept. 4, will bring supervillain Monica to the gameplay, giving players a chance to face off with a new foe.
Monica Rappaccini wasn't always a villain.
Monica Rappaccini first appears in the Marvel comics in Amazing Fantasy (Volume 2) #7, which was initially released in June 2005. At the time, Monica was Bruce Banner's (aka the Hulk's) girlfriend and a brilliant scientist. According to her Fandom page, Monica worked tirelessly to try to aid Bruce's struggles with the effects of his gamma radiation, attempting to find a way for him to still reap the benefits of becoming the Hulk without succumbing to the anger and memory loss that came with it.

But that wasn't what Bruce wanted. He was only looking for a way to rid himself of becoming the Hulk, and threatened to leave Monica if she didn't help him in that endeavor.
Ultimately, Monica lets her obsession with understanding the effects of gamma radiation get to her, and even after her relationship with Bruce ends, she tries to understand how to harness it. This infatuation led her to join A.I.M., or the Advanced Idea Mechanics.
By joining A.I.M., Monica made herself into a villain in the franchise, partnering up with George Tarleton (aka MODOK). Now, she's on the opposing side of Bruce and the other Avengers. But, despite her frequent attempts in the comics to thwart the superhero group, she has only recently gotten a spot in any of the Avengers' other media installments.
Monica will appear in the 'Marvel Avengers' video game, alongside MODOK.
Even for some hardcore Marvel fans, the video games released for the franchise aren't always popular among players. But the new Marvel Avengers game is already creating buzz among the fanbase.
In the game, you'll play as a variety of different Avengers as they face off against the agents of A.I.M. — and this is the first video game in which Monica will make an appearance.
Voiced by Jolene Andersen, Monica plays a central role in the conflict of the game, and there are already some intense battle scenes with her posted online for sceptical players to view before they buy.
"What I find so powerful about Monica is her genius, the fact that she's such an incredibly brilliant scientist, and then on top of that she has that sociopathic streak, which I think comes from her intense intellect and that drive for experimentation and digging through things," Jolene told Comic Book. "She has this one-track mind in a way and that's what I feel is her strongest point, and what makes her so powerful. Also her drive, her ability to manipulate everything around her. She is a perfect specimen of a person which makes her a perfect villain."