Monica During Each of the 'Friends' Thanksgiving Episodes Is All of Us

Updated Nov. 14 2019, 12:52 p.m. ET
I'm realizing that as I get older, I'm starting to relate more and more to Monica Geller... especially during the holidays. Between cooking and cleaning, keeping your cool is basically impossible.
Monica's most relatable moments in Friends' Thanksgiving episodes:
And that's precisely why you should check out Monica's most relatable moments from the Friends Thanksgiving episodes before you host your family feast this year... she is seriously all of us.
1. Getting Overly Competitive in Football
Thanksgiving is for spending time with family, having fun, and — most importantly — unearthing any and all sibling rivalries.
When Monica and Ross face each other in a "friendly" game of touch football, things get real ugly... Monica's dark, competitive side emerges from within.
2. Being Overly Protective of Your Fancy China
When your home is filled to the brim with hungry house guests, it's hard not to feel overly protective about your belongings... especially when it comes to that nice China you got as a wedding gift.
So, when your family starts getting slightly rowdy after a little wine and a lot of tension, worrying is basically inevitable.
3. Not Wanting to Make a Turkey
If only one person is going to eat turkey during Thanksgiving dinner, putting in the effort to cook a 30-pound bird sounds like pure torture.
So we can totally relate to Monica when she makes a turkey as long as she gets to watch Joey eat the whole thing by himself... just watch out for those darn meat sweats.
4. Telling on Your Brother
OK, if our parents gave us "the Monica treatment," it'd be nearly impossible not to spill the beans about our brother's "dark past."
In case you don't recall, the Geller parents held a grudge against Chandler for Ross' wrongdoings for far too long... so alas, we totally side with Monica on this one.
5. Locking Out Your Dinner Guests When They Don't Help You Cook
Listen, cooking an entire Thanksgiving feast is hard. Freaking. Work. With Ross and Joey galavanting with Janine's "hot dancer friends," and Rachel and Phoebe bringing Emma to a beauty pageant, everyone arrives an hour late for dinner.
Would we lock out our guests? Maybe not. But a night of passive aggression is bound to ensue.
6. Being Unable to Decide Between Your Boyfriend and a dog
If your partner says "either the dog goes, or I go," which one would you choose?
Chandler admits the highly unlikable news that he doesn't like dogs, before making an ultimatum: either the dog Phoebe is babysitting gets the boot, or he leaves. Based on Monica's expression she clearly can't decide, and quite frankly, neither could we.
7. Trying to Impress Your High School Crush
In a flashback to Monica's first year of college, we see her attempting to impress Chandler, whom she had a crush on since her senior year of high school. Highly relatable.
But while attempting to be "sexy," she accidentally cuts off his pinky toe. Less relatable, but incredible nonetheless.
8. Burning the Food
How many times have you planned a really, really nice meal and accidentally burnt it to a crisp? I know I have. When the crew gets locked out, all of the food burns, and they end up eating grilled cheese on Thanksgiving.
It was only her first time cooking Thanksgiving dinner, though, so luckily she got the hang of it by the following Thanksgiving special.
9. Roasting Everyone When They Get on Your Nerves
Ross and Chandler are relentlessly ragging on Monica for dating her ex's son, Richard Jr., (and inviting him to Thanksgiving!). This leads Monica to sounding off on each and every one of them.
"Married a lesbian, left a man at the altar, fell in love with a gay ice dancer, threw a girl's wooden leg in the fire, live in a box!"
Like I said, as I'm getting older, Monica is becoming an increasingly relatable character — each and every one of her reactions are truly priceless.
So, "here's to a lousy Christmas, and a crappy New Year."