Family Designates Sidewalk as Monty Python ‘Ministry of Silly Walks’ Area to Bring Laughs During Lockdown

Updated April 28 2020, 9:14 a.m. ET

It can be hard to find something to laugh at during these trying times. But one family in Michigan is finding comfort by making their neighbors do silly walks as they pass by on their daily walks.
Liz Koto and her family have declared the sidewalk outside of their Grosse Pointe Shores, Michigan, home as “the jurisdiction of The Ministry of Silly Walks.” If you're unaware, that's a very funny sketch from Monty Python's Flying Circus.
Koto has marked the area with entry and exit signs, that encourage people to do a silly walk as they pass through the area. "You have now entered the jurisdiction of The Ministry of Silly Walks," the sign reads. Commence silly walking immediately."
The sign goes on to state: "We're all in this together so let's have some fun while we can!"
And yes, people are taking part in the fun.
The family have been sharing video of neighbors and delivery people taking part in the fun.
Whether it's neighbors walking their dogs or just getting some fresh air, people seem to be loving the idea.
“Wherever they go during this skit they walk in very silly ways,” said Liz Koto explained to WXYZ. “The reactions have been so uplifting, so joyful and so happy.”
Koto explained that the videos, recorded with her door bell camera, quickly attracted the attention of thousands on Instagram. “A couple came by and posted a photo onto her Facebook page and it went bonkers," she explained.
According to the publication, Scott and Kara Shall spotted the sign while on a walk and decided to post about it on social media. Their post was shared more than 56,000 times.
Kara Shall explained, “In the comments, people are now posting photos of their sign, they have been inspired by it.”
Koto says that she's since been contacted by people all around the world who have replicated the idea in their neighborhoods.
Kara Shall added: “Dance like no one is watching, I think silly walk like no one is watching, even though they are and they are going to post it on Instagram.”
This person tried, but didn't get very far.
The Ministry of Silly Walks applauds your efforts, Liz. Keep up the hard work.