Mom "Reprimanded" by School for Packing Son "Too Much Lunch" — Says Extra Is to Help Hungry Students

Updated May 2 2023, 9:11 a.m. ET

In recent years, some schools have made rules regarding what kids can and cannot bring to school for lunch. One of the most popular rules has been banning candy and soda in hopes of cultivating healthy eating habits.
Naturally, this has caused outrage among parents. And it's raised an important question: Can schools really prevent students from eating certain foods their parents pack for them? But now, there's another question parents should start asking: can schools really mandate how much food parents send along with their child?
A mom recently took to TikTok to share that her son's school reprimanded her for packing too much food. But what makes the story all the more upsetting is that the extra food wasn't even for her son. Keep scrolling to hear her story.

School says mom is packing too much lunch.
"Would you believe I got reprimanded for sending my son to school with too much food?," asked @hazelgreeneyez85 as she began her video.
"Now, to me that sounds ridiculous. Because if he's hungry, he should be able to eat," she said, implying that it's not a school's responsibility to determine a correct portion size.
"But that's not the reason we send all this extra food," she explained while panning her phone to show an extra sandwich, pudding cup, bag of chips, and snack cakes.
"This extra food is for a child in my son's classroom. He told my son that the only time he gets to eat is at school," she explained. "So why would the school stop me from giving him extra food? I'm sure they're aware of the situation going on at home," she continued.

@hazelgreeneyez85 concluded her video by saying, "I find it absolutely f--king disgusting that my son is getting reprimanded for doing a kind deed. I'm going to keep making this kid's lunch and they can kiss my ass."
In the comment section, folks praised @hazelgreeneyez85 for teaching her son to share and help others. Many encouraged her to keep packing the second lunch.

Others commented that it's likely that the school is being so strict because it doesn't want to be liable if a student gets sick due to an allergy or food sensitivity.

But as @hazelgreeneyez85 wrote back, is protecting kids from potentially getting sick as important as making sure every kid is getting enough to eat?
One user, who approved of what @hazelgreeneyez85 was doing, tried to suggest an alternative way for her to still feed this other student without the school breathing down her back.

While many schools offer free lunches to students from low-income families, that doesn't mean that their other meals are covered. The benefit to what @hazelgreeneyez85 was doing was not only was that she provided extra food, but that she was giving him pre-packaged foods that he could carry home and eat later.
So, what do you think? Is @hazelgreeneyez8 in the wrong, or should the school loosen up?