Mother and Son's 'Star Wars' Lightsaber Dance at His Wedding Divides the Internet

Published Nov. 13 2023, 12:38 p.m. ET
Any wedding will feature a number of traditional hallmarks for the momentous occasion. There's the ceremony itself, whether it takes place in a church or is a simpler venue in which two people in love finalize their union. There's the cutting of the cake and speeches from some close friends or family. Then for some, there's the dance that one or both of the newlyweds perform with their parents.
During the reception, both newlyweds take the time to share a nice dance with a parent before people go up to the dance floor. After all, a marriage can represent an important milestone for someone, and they may want to share it with the people who raised them.
This dance typically takes the form of a slow dance to a nice song. However, this mother and son took it to a whole other level when they performed a lightsaber duel together in full Star Wars garb. Shockingly, the internet is divided over it.
This lightsaber duel performed at a wedding has caused some discourse on the internet.
Monica Mtonga on TikTok (@youarekingdomwoman) posted a few videos about her special wedding day. Although the ceremony took place over the summer, she posted about the dance in question in early November 2023.
In what Monica calls "the most epic mother/son dance you will ever see at a wedding," her husband and his mother took to the dance floor dressed as Jedi. And instead of a traditional slow dance, the two of them engaged in a lightsaber duel.
Clearly, the two of them grew up loving the Star Wars franchise. In fact, it's likely that the mom in the video introduced her son to the films. The series must have been so important to both of them in their bond as parent and child that they were compelled by the Force to share that passion with their wedding guests.
There was a lot of dedication put into the duel too. The mother and son seemed to have practiced the routine extensively in order to put on a show.
For the record, Monica performed a traditional African dance with her family and friends during the reception.
In all honestly, I'm all for letting your geek pride fly. A parent passing down their nerdy obsessions to their children or even vice-versa and sharing in that fandom love is incredibly wholesome to me. That said, some folks are divided over whether or not this dance was heartwarming or full-on cringe.
The comments section is pretty split on their reactions to this dance. One TikToker wrote, "I don't know what I would do if I saw this at a wedding."
"Most epic mother/son dance according to who!?" another person wrote.
On the other hand, one person commented, "People are weird and unique. The best parents embrace that weirdness and uniqueness and encourage their kids. She is 1,000 percent an amazing mother."
As a self-proclaimed geek myself, I'm a little shocked to see that folks are still mocking adults for being nerdy in 2023. Nerd culture has become so prolific in modern society that people are more willing to share that aspect of their lives as just another trait. If nothing else, at least the newlyweds didn't subject anyone to a theme wedding. The mother and son decided to make their wedding dance special, and I think that's really nice.
I say, cheers to the husband for being so authentic with his passions during his special day. Both he and Monica were remarkably unique during their wedding and that should be celebrated.