"Halloween Karen" — Woman Verbally Assaults Elderly Neighbor Over Halloween Decorations

Published Oct. 27 2023, 10:22 a.m. ET

For whatever reason, a woman's neighbor who didn't approve of the Halloween decorations she put on her front lawn decided to go onto her property and accost her about her decorative choices
It seems that there are some folks who think they can go around acting as the fun police. And while no one wants to hear loud parties/noises that are disturbing their sleep emanating from their neighbor's homes, it's kind of insane to think that someone's so mad about a person on their block getting into the Halloween spirit by putting up a few spooky-themed things on their property that they would accost them about it.
Dory (@dory420) recorded the neighbor in question confronting her 69-year-old mother after (Dory claims) she shoved her. Dory writes in a text overlay of the video: "The original video all because this woman doesn't like her decorations. This is after the woman shoved my 69-year-old mother"
The scene in Dory's video is one of an impassioned dispute between two of the women. The neighbor, who is wearing white pants and a blue colored shirt, stands directly in front of Dory's mom, who screams at her, stating: "Get off my property now!" several times pointing to her to get away.
The neighbor finally begins to walk away, but not before calling her a "F--- c---t," as the sound of spooky Halloween noises sounds off amidst their cacophonous disagreement.
At one point in the clip, the neighbor begins rattling off the different people that they know in various local governing bodies, stating that "they've got it all," seemingly indicating that she reported Dory's mother to the county for putting up Halloween decorations that aren't allowed for whatever reason.
The neighbor, as she begins to walk away from the house, looks at Dory recording the clip, questioning why she's doing that in the first place, indicating that the recording won't incriminate her for anything. She then stops, looks directly into the lens, and waves, acknowledging she's being recorded.
Dory's mom says that she intends on calling the authorities to report the incident, to which the neighbor responds she hopes that she does, sarcastically acting as if she's excited.

Soon, the argument moves away from the Halloween decorations, but it soon shifts on over to past neighbor drama: the woman in the blue colored shirt starts to loudly remark within earshot of any neighbor close enough to hear that Dory's mom doesn't approve of the folks she lives next to in what looks like a bid to start some drama.

Dory's mom vehemently denies the accusations, and then the rest of the video shows the neighbor walk across the street and out of the view of the camera.
Commenters who saw the clip seemingly couldn't understand what the deal was with Dory's mom's neighbor, especially when it came to Halloween decorations. "Why can’t neighbors mind their own business. Decorations are cool,"
Another TikToker shared how they would've handled the aftermath of the argument, joking that the incident would've just made them more intent on putting as many decorations on their property as possible: "I would RUN to the store to buy more decorations"
Someone else said that they would welcome a neighbor who got into the Halloween spirit as much as Dory's mom did: "I bet that house has the BEST candy on Halloween!! I bet white pants Carol gives out 1 mini tootsie roll or starlight mints."
In a follow-up video that Dory posted to TikTok, it doesn't look like the conversation dissuaded her mother from putting up the decorations, however, as she can be seen going all out, even adding massive Home Depot skeletons to her front lawn.