Person Shares Game Changing "Movie Theater Life Hack" for Unlimited Popcorn Butter

Published Sept. 14 2023, 9:35 a.m. ET
One of the best parts about going to the movies is the popcorn and snacks. At least as far as I’m concerned, anyway. So when a TikTok user by the name of @satanic_yeti, whose name is Britt, shared a video detailing a movie theater butter hack where you can make your freshly popped popcorn taste even better throughout your entire movie, I just had to take notes.
There have been plenty of movie theater snack hacks over the years. And maybe you think you’ve seen them all. But there’s always room for more ways to get the most out of your $20 popcorn bucket at the theater. OK, so maybe that’s an exaggerated price, but you get the point. And I’m all for having the most buttery popcorn to finish before the trailers are even over.
A TikTok user shared their movie theater butter hack for popcorn.
In their TikTok, Britt butters their popcorn at a self-serve station. But, they declare with a laugh, they have a "movie theater life hack" for you. They take a small spray bottle and fill it up with butter from the spout. Then, they spray their popcorn. And honestly, this is a two-fold hack with nearly unlimited benefits.
They can better distribute the butter on the popcorn now, yes. But they can also take the little spray bottle of butter home and use it on popcorn there. While there may be rules about bringing outside snacks into the theater, there aren't any about taking them out. At least none that I know of.
In order for this movie theater butter hack to work, though, a few things have to fall into place. You have to be at a theater where there's a station to apply your own butter, you have to remember to bring an empty spray bottle with you, and you have to be unafraid to get some confused glances from other movie theater patrons. Also, be ready to be extra careful with the spray bottle so it doesn't spill inside the theater mid-movie.
Others are applauding the ingenious way to butter your popcorn at the movie theater.
Not all theaters have self-serve butter stations, but the ones that do may have an onslaught of movie-goers ready to try this butter hack. In the comments under the video, one user commented that Britt deserves a "Nobel prize" for their idea.
Another TikTok user commented, "You are my new hero," while others simply applauded the butter hack for being "genius." And one individual suggested taking it a step further.
"This, but use one of those Home Depot industrial spray cleaning bottles," they commented.
That might actually get you kicked out of the theater, though.
Other users shared their own movie theater butter hacks, some of which you may have tried. Like the one about using a straw to make sure the butter reaches places other than the top layer of popcorn in your bucket. Or the idea of pouring popcorn into those individual cardboard bowls the concession stand has so you can butter each portion evenly.
For most movie theater butter hacks, you're going to need a location where you can put the butter on your popcorn yourself. But now, the next time you find yourself at such a theater, you know what to do in order to make sure your popcorn is better than literally everyone else's.