You Can Now Buy 'Magic: The Gathering' 'My Little Pony' Cards

Updated Oct. 22 2019, 5:45 p.m. ET

Bronies and Magic: The Gathering fans, unite! For the first, and probably only time ever, you can now purchase a set of My Little Pony Magic: The Gathering cards from Hasbro Pulse. The set is called Ponies: The Galloping, and I'm not going to lie, it's pretty awesome.
Why did Hasbro make a My Little Pony Magic: The Gathering set?
It is a "special charity crossover set," according to, and it's available to order now at Hasbro Pulse. While the set isn't entirely "tournament legal," the cards are super cool and a good portion of every purchase gets donated to charity, so it's for a good cause.
How much do the My Little Pony MTG cards cost?
Each set is $50, but it's a partnership with Extra Life, so $30 of that goes to a charity benefiting Seattle Children's Hospital. Nothing wrong with that.
There are three silver-bordered cards in the set: Rarity, Nightmare Moon (with Princess Luna on the other side and Princess Twilight Sparkle). In addition to the cards, you can purchase a set of Ponies: The Galloping playmats for $100, $80 of which goes to charity. And yes, the Princess Luna/Nightmare Moon playmat is double-sided!
The whole thing is pink and purple and sparkly and magical, and I just love it. Hasbro interviewed Dawn, the Senior Art Director for the Ponies: The Galloping project, to talk about all the incredible art and effort behind this amazing mashup.
"Magic's game mechanic, by nature, is aggressive," she said. "Opponents play cards on the 'battlefield,' to deal damage, and tick your opponent's life counter down to zero to win the game. By contrast, My Little Pony is built around themes like friendship and cooperation... It was challenging to strike the right balance between the two brands and find that sweet spot on the Venn Diagram that satisfies both."
I, for one, think they did an amazing job. Never have I seen those little ponies look so in-charge and badass.
Dawn told Hasbro Pulse that she was part of a small team of writers and artists and designers who were brought together to create the Magic version of My Little Pony. None of them had ever worked on My Little Pony before, so it was a totally new and interesting experience.
She has been in the industry for over 25 years and has worked on countless games we know and love, including Dungeons and Dragons, Call of Cthulhu, Dark Matter, and Hecatomb. She joined the Magic: The Gathering team in 2013 and has been working on it ever since.
The My Little Pony version was a special project and hopefully we will see more like it soon. In the meantime, head to Hasbro Pulse to buy your own set of cards or playmats and snatch the magic up while it lasts. The Ponies: The Galloping set will be on sale until Nov. 5 or as long as supplies last.