“No Set Hours, Just Vibes” — Nail Salon's Ridiculous, Vague Open-Hours Sign Goes Viral
"OK hear me out: I have ADHD and this is the BEST description of my attention span/ability to focus I’ve ever heard…"

Published May 13 2024, 5:34 p.m. ET

A woman's post of a nail salon's vague hours is going viral on TikTok. Kendra Burgess (@kendraburgess79) sat in her car, seemingly shocked at the times, or lack thereof, that the store was operational. The lack of a definitive schedule tickled TikTok pink, but there were some who were familiar with the humorous blurb posted on the door.
"So this is a nail salon and it says: open most days about 9 or 10, occasionally as early as 7 and sometimes as late as 12 or 1. We close about 5:30 or 6 occasionally about 4 or 5 and sometimes as late as midnight. On some days we are not here at all but lately we have been here a lot unless we are not here."
Kendra laughs after reading out the verbiage of the sign before exclaiming: "what the f---?"
If these hours feel a bit like a gag you've seen before, then there's a a good reason for that because you can buy signs with nearly this same exact verbiage in a number of places.
Amazon, for instance, sells a $20 sign that contains the same, non-committal explanation of business hours.
In a caption for the post, Kendra arrived at the following conclusion when it came to her own personal interpretation of the sign: "I guess that means, make an appt!" she surmised.
However, there were a lot of TikTokers who responded to her video who said that they could get on board with what the sign was all about: "What I mean when people ask my availability," one person wrote, sharing that they too don't like to give hardline hours or a meeting time for them to actually be responsible for sticking to.
Another person penned: "No set hours, just vibes."
Someone else seemed to approve of the hours put forth by the business owner: "Omg best hours of operation ever!!!"
While one TikTok user said: "Living their best life. I'm here for it ... unless I'm not. Love this."

To others, however, the salon's sign extended beyond it being just a "gag" that folks laughed at. For them, it was a perfect representation of their attention deficit disorder.
"Ok hear me out: I have ADHD and this is the BEST description of my attention span/ability to focus I’ve ever heard…"
The one question you may have, however, is where did this verbiage originate from? As one Redditor in the r/GoodOmens sub pointed out, it appears to have some from the Amazon Original show Good Omens which was based on the 1990 Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman novel of the same name.
Social media user @missjardinera posted a freeze-framed screenshot of the door to a character's book shop in the series, Aziraphale, which reads: "Bookshop Opening Hours I open the shop on most weekdays about 9:30 or perhaps 10am. While occasionally I open the shop as early as 8, I have been known to not open until 1, except on Tuesday."

The hours blurb continues: "I tend to close about 3:30 p.m., or earlier if something needs tending to. However, I might occasionally keep the shop open until 8 or 9 at night, you never know when you might need some light reading. On days that I am not in, the shop will remain closed. On weekends, I will open the shop during normal hours unless I am elsewhere. Bank holidays will be treated in the usual fashion, with early closing on Wednesdays, or sometimes Fridays. (For Sundays see Tuesdays) A.Z. Fell Bookseller"
At least one TikToker who responded to the post recognized the reference which seems to be a reference to the show: "Good Omens fans? Anyone? This is from Good Omens."
If we want to get into some real talk about inconvenient business hours right now then there are a couple of industries customers tend to throw the most ire toward: banks and post offices.

There's no shortage of people who question why banks only seem to be open during "normal" business hours, aka whenever people who actually need to access the bank are working, forcing them to take an extended lunch break or pile in for the few short hours they're open during the weekend to tend to whatever they need to tend to.
And then there are folks who've got the same problem with post offices, like this Reddit user who works an 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. shift ... which just so happens to be the exact time their local USPS branch operates.
At least they can console themselves with the fact that they if they were to take some time off during the workday or had a day off, they could show up to the post office and it would be open ... unlike anyone who honestly abides to the "vibe-heavy" hourly suggestions posted on the nail salon door in Kendra's video.