Couples Are Flashing Each Other in the Naked Challenge on TikTok

Updated March 31 2020, 1:40 p.m. ET

We’ve all been locked down for a good couple of weeks at this point and we’re all stuck with our families, roommates, or significant others. Tensions can run high when we’re all in such close quarters for days upon end, even if it’s people we love.
If you’ve been entertaining yourself during this time of isolation and stay-at-home orders with books, board games, puzzles, and Tiger King, then you’re probably not up to date on the latest TikTok challenge that has people stripping down to their birthday suits to try and grab the attention of their partners. The Naked Challenge on TikTok sounds exactly like what it is and involves a little nudity and a lot of laughs.
The Naked Challenge on TikTok catches people way off guard.
In these hilarious TikTok videos, people are getting naked, surprising their partners by stripping down naked and filming their reactions. The best ones have husbands totally caught off guard while they’re tuned into their video games and wives hiding back their smiles (or frustration) while they’re on work calls. Seriously, imagine having to keep a straight face for your co-workers on a Zoom call while your naked partner stands right in front of you with a camera pointed at you.
With everyone working from home (and playing from home), it’s only right that a challenge like this would go totally viral quickly. One of the funniest parts of the entire challenge is that we never see the actual person behind the camera who is baring it all. It’s the reaction from their spouse that says it all and leaves everything else up to the imagination.
This challenge cannot be searched for in TikTok.
The tricky thing about this particular challenge is the use of the word “naked.” Basically, the TikTok algorithm picks up on people using the word “naked” in captions and hashtags and flags them for violating guidelines. So people have been getting around it by saying ‘n4k3d’ or ‘nakid’ or ‘nakey’ in their captions.
So far, the challenge has become so popular that a video or two of users participating in the challenge is bound to come up on your “For You” page at some point.
Sometimes, the challenge hasn’t gone as planned.
There have been a couple hilarious instances of The Naked Challenge totally backfiring. In one viral TikTok, a man is getting ready to surprise his girlfriend with the challenge, but guess what? Her mom was in her room with her. From the looks of the horrified expression of her mom, no one was really expecting that.
In another instance, a girlfriend is ready to surprise her boyfriend while he plays video games. She has just gotten out of the shower and tosses her towel in his face while he is zoned in on the television.
He doesn’t even glance back at her and just scoffs in annoyance. She giggles and he turns to look to see her naked and his reaction is priceless. As he’s chasing after her, he trips and falls. As long as we're all still stuck inside, we can only imagine that the ideas for TikTok challenges will only become more insane and weird.