7 Memes to Celebrate National Grammar Day

Published March 3 2022, 5:55 p.m. ET

March 4 is National Grammar Day, aka the day when grammar fanatics can correct their friends and family under the guise of being honorable and celebratory. Millions worldwide also love to express their excitement for the annual festivity through one of the best modern-day cultural elements: memes.
Many will celebrate by purposely misspelling a word or forgoing punctuation for a laugh, while others opt to subtly call out those who clearly have no sense of proper grammar. To celebrate National Grammar Day, we've assembled some of our favorite memes — check them out below, and let us know what you think!
Wait, what are we eating?!
For the love of god, use a comma! Without a comma, you're going to come off as a disturbing individual who's looking forward to chowing down on a family member (not cool). In this instance, when you're using a comma, you're technically saving a life — be proud.
Gary may never find love, but at least he's grammatically correct!
Hey, Gary is not wrong here! He's just letting this little lady know the proper plural form of "cactus"; if she can't accept that, then she's not the one for him. One day, Gary will find his true other half and together, they'll make the most grammatically correct pair in the desert.
Always remember that cats meow, commas don't.
We don't know about you, but we've never seen this meme until now — why didn't our English professors show it to us? It would've made our lectures and exams so much more bearable. They must've assumed we could already tell the difference between cats and commas, sigh.
The grammar nerds are prepared to take down anyone who disrespects their passion.
Take cover! The grammar police is emerging on National Grammar Day, and they have no mercy. So, if someone near and dear to you is incredibly passionate about linguistics and sentence structure, make sure to be on your A-game; otherwise, you'll be in for a rude awakening.
If you use "your" and "you're" correctly, we appreciate YOUR effort.
Have you ever seen that episode of Friends when Ross and Rachel fight over her 18-page letter (front and back)? If you haven't, this meme sums up Ross's brief lecture: "Your" describes something you own (your hair, your energy), and "you're" is the contraction of "you are" (you're healthy, you're glowing).
The effort is there, but nothing gets past the grammar police. EVER.
Even though this individual obliterated the spelling of every single word, we give them props for acknowledging National Grammar Day. Obviously, this one wasn't their best, but hopefully, they'll improve their skills so they can do better next year!
English professors would throw a fit if they saw this tweet.
Clearly, this individual decided to poke fun at National Grammar Day, and honestly, we're all for it. However, we're not so sure that English professors would be very fond of this tweet; they're probably uncapping their red pens and covering the passage with notes and corrections.
If you're not going to speak using proper grammar, we don't want to hear it.
Honestly, we would've lost our patience after our friend said, "You and me should." Seriously?! Do they not realize that "me should" isn't English? And don't even get us started on "laying on this chair" because that's too far. Please, learn the difference between "laying" and "lying"; we're not lying, it will take you two seconds.