Here's Why X-Men's 'The New Mutants' Has No Post-Credit Scene
Updated Aug. 28 2020, 12:16 p.m. ET

It's finally here!
The long-awaited X-Men movie, The New Mutants, opened in theaters on Aug. 28 after being filmed nearly three years prior. The Fox film has had a tough road to the box office as the movie kept getting pushed back due to Disney's acquisition of Fox, execs reportedly not wanting the film to premiere too close to X-Men's Dark Phoenix starring Sophie Turner, and then a global pandemic hit.
With Disney acquiring the network, The New Mutants marks the last Marvel film produced by Fox. So, what does this mean for sequels of the comic book film? Plus, does The New Mutants have an after-credits scene?

No, 'The New Mutants' does not have an after-credits scene.
Unfortunately for moviegoers, the latest installment in the X-Men universe will not produce any further sequels. Therefore, director Josh Boone did not add any post-credit scenes at the end of the film. Marvel fans know that the short clip that rolls at the end of the credits gives viewers an inside look at what is next for the franchise aka what the sequel would be about.
"I did something better [than a post-credits scene]," the director told "I can't give you a post-credit scene because I had to scrap it because then it would entail that there was another movie. So, but what I did is we had Bill Sienkiewicz, we had Bill come and he did illustrations of everybody for the end credits."
He continued, "So, like when it says Anya Taylor-Joy, Bill did a brand new thing behind her. So like, you'll see a bunch of his artwork sort of represented during the end titles, which I hope will be good for fans."
While there will most likely not be any follow-up films to the comic book movie, which follows a younger generation of mutants in the 1980s dealing with their newfound powers at a secret facility, there were plans for a trilogy.

There was supposed to be a trilogy attached to Fox's 'The New Mutants.'
Unless a series completely bombs at the box office (e.g., Dark Phoenix), fans are typically graced with one or two sequels as a follow up to the comic book stories.
"What we sold to Fox was really a comic book made and I had made, that showed what all three films would be," he explained. "So it's like the first one was always a rubber reality horror movie based on Demon Bear."
The director added, "The second one was always an alien invasion movie based on a Warlock and his dad coming to earth and all that. And then the third one was gonna be Inferno and be more of like a demonic supernatural horror movie. We've finally crossed over with the X-Men movies like it does in the comics for Inferno and all that. That was sort of the dream."
The New Mutants is out in theaters now.