New Year, New Meme: The Funniest New Year's Memes and Jokes
Laughing your way into 2025 and beyond just became a little easier.

Updated Dec. 31 2024, 1:06 p.m. ET

For many people, New Year's Eve is a pressure-filled holiday bursting with expectations. But while the new year is made out to be such a big deal, it is, in reality, just another day.
And no matter what month it is, we're still just trucking along. This year, no one cares if you sit at home in pajamas and watch the ball drop from your couch.
Enjoy these New Year's Eve memes — and happy 2025!
Not New Year's Steve
This person has a point. Only kiss women on New Year's Eve! The future is female anyway. You don't want to be on the wrong side of history, do you?
New Year, New Me
"New year, new me" is the rallying cry of self-improvers everywhere. But this is definitely the best way to use it. Yeah, "new year, new me." The new me is like, 75 percent Dorito.
"See you next year"
This is definitely the most common and worst joke you hear on New Year's Eve, so I don't blame him for his response. Anyone who says "See you next year" on Dec. 31 doesn't deserve to be your friend.
Giving up
Honestly, anyone who maintains a healthy eating and exercise regimen from January to March deserves some sort of award. That's three whole months! Usually, it takes like, a week for these things to crumble.
Jan. 1
No matter what year it is, when you wake up on Jan. 1, you gotta make sure rent is in the mail. Life goes on. It's going to be a new year, and a new chance not to put too much pressure on yourself to change everything.
This one is too real

We barely have a "p," if we're being honest. That's what this week is for, though, right?
Here's the thing...
*Shrug* We don't know what else to tell you!
It's funny because it's true
Just take our money!
We're all living the same life
Time to stock up for new vegetables to completely ignore/forget!
This guy gets it
... and a new year of trying to get a reservation at Dorsia.
... aaaaand we're asleep.
Getting wild
This kitty purrito sums up the only kind of wild night we want.
Remember when?
It was a simpler time.
Yes to all of these clips
This compilation of Seinfeld clips might as well be home videos of our New Year's Eve plans.
Here they go again
We really do feel for the folks who have to clean up all that mess!
A perfectly reasonable plan
And there we go, guys! It's time for us to get to bed. This has been fun.
The 30 and up club refuses to be out all night on New Year's Eve.
FOMO (the fear of missing out) subsides when you reach a certain age. At some point, being home with your loved ones and your favorite things is the best way to celebrate a holiday!
Does it hurt?
According to Katie D, 2024 wasn't giving enough of what it was supposed to give. So, not moving forward sounds ideal. Unfortunately, we have to put our big people panties on and face 2025!
Blame it on the alcohol
I promise, I didn't make this meme. However, I'd be lying if I didn't have to apologize for my previous NYE behavior. Good to see I'm not alone!
New Year, new smoke detector battery!
*Goes to check my smoke detector before I have the nerve to go outside.*