Self-Described Incel Nick Fuentes Allegedly Pepper Sprayed a Woman for Coming to His House
"Threatening women and girls everywhere deserves some kind of explanation."

Updated Nov. 12 2024, 1:00 p.m. ET
If all the incels got together and decided to crown one of their sad boys as king, it would probably be Nick Fuentes. According to the Anti-Defamation League, which created a landing page for his toxic work, Fuentes first gained notoriety in 2017 after attending the white supremacist “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville, Va. From there, things have only gotten worse.
He has since advocated for a Christian nationalist country, focusing on the "belief that native white Europeans are being replaced in their own countries by non-white immigrants from Africa and the Middle East." Fuentes is also extremely pro-life and has adopted the phrase "your body, my choice," in regard to abortion. In November 2024, he went viral after gleefully celebrating the idea of women losing their rights. He then reportedly pepper-sprayed a woman. Here's what we know about that.
Nick Fuentes allegedly pepper sprayed a woman named Marla Rose after she rang his doorbell.
After Fuentes's incendiary messaging about women's bodily autonomy went viral, he was doxxed. Much of his personal information was shared online, including Fuentes's home address. Marla Rose happened upon it and realized that she lived close to Fuentes in Berwyn, Ill. In a post that has since been removed by Facebook, Rose revealed what happened after curiosity got the better of her.
Upon arriving at Fuentes's home, Rose says she stood on public property and shot a quick video of the outside of his house. As she was doing this, a car slowed down and a woman rolled down the window. Paraphrasing, Rose said the woman asked if "this is where the douchebag lives." Together they laughed while ridiculing Fuentes for being an incel. The woman then suggested Rose ring his doorbell. After making sure there were no signs discouraging solicitors, Rose says she walked up and did just that.
According to her, he immediately opened the door and sprayed her with a "burning liquid" she believed was pepper spray. Fuentes then allegedly pushed Rose down the stairs, grabbed her cell phone, and retreated back into his house. Thankfully the other woman stuck around and called the police.
Local police were apparently not very helpful.
Rose says she gave a full statement to police, who also spoke with Fuentes. She claims the only thing he had to say was "no comment." Thankfully the EMTs could find nothing wrong with Rose. In fact, she described the pepper spray Fuentes use as weak and compared it to him. When asked by her husband as well as the EMTs why she rang the doorbell, Rose said she was showing off for her new friend and never backed down from a challenge. Plus, she felt that "threatening women and girls everywhere deserves some kind of explanation."
Although her phone was damaged, Rose's husband was able to save the video of Fuentes allegedly pepper spraying her. As much as we'd like to believe that Fuentes will receive some sort of punishment for this, we're not holding our breaths. Rose said in the comments that when she inquired about pressing charges, police were confused. One of them even said, "Well, you went to his door."