Mahmoud Threatens Nicole With Divorce on '90 Day Fiancé: Happily Ever After?'
"Our relationship is over and I'm leaving here," Mahmoud says during '90 Day Fiancé: Happily Ever After?.' "I can't take this anymore."

Updated April 29 2024, 3:45 p.m. ET
Content warning: This article mentions domestic violence.
If there's one reality TV franchise that proves marriage is anything but easy, it's 90 Day Fiancé. However, its spinoff series, 90 Day Fiancé: Happily Ever After?, truly ups the ante. Season 8 of the series has proved challenging for every couple involved, including Nicole Sherbiny and Mahmoud El Sherbiny.
The couple have had their fair share of ups and downs, but recent developments suggest that their relationship may be unraveling. So, are Nicole and Mahmoud still married, or are they headed for divorce? Here’s what we know.

Are Nicole and Mahmoud from '90 Day Fiancé: The Other Way’ still married?
We have some bad news, folks: It appears that Nicole and Mahmoud's marriage is coming to an end. During the April 28, 2024, episode of 90 Day Fiancé: Happily Ever After?, the tension escalates between Mahmoud and Nicole during a heated fight in front of her friends.
Nicole berates her Egyptian husband, calling him a "traitor" and demanding he get out of their apartment. Despite Nicole's friend's plea for him to stay, citing safety concerns in Los Angeles, Mahmoud gets up and leaves.
In a confessional, Nicole vents her frustration with their troubled marriage, recounting her relentless efforts over the past four years to salvage it, including countless trips to Egypt. She also expresses disappointment in Mahmoud's apparent lack of effort.
Nevertheless, she also acknowledges her role in the argument. Nicole says she regrets escalating the situation, telling the cameras, "I really regret saying anything to him. When we got back, I should have just let the night be like a fun night for everybody. Instead, it turned into, like, drama. And I feel terrible about it."
Despite her remorse, when Mahmoud refuses to disclose his whereabouts after checking into a hotel, Nicole grows increasingly anxious. A producer eventually steps in, and Mahmoud tells them he thinks Nicole has changed and doesn’t think they can make it work any longer.
"Love is not enough for marriage, I think," he says. "Somehow, I think it's over."
The following morning, Nicole reluctantly extends an offer for Mahmoud to stay, but he rejects her and asks for a divorce instead. He packs his things and leaves, heading back to the hotel.
"Our relationship is over and I'm leaving here," he tells a producer, insisting that this time he was not going back. "I can't take this anymore. I have no plan, I have no phone and I don't have any idea where I go now. And somehow, I will [go] back to Egypt. I never felt so alone in my life."
Mahmoud was arrested for domestic violence against Nicole in February 2024.
On Feb. 21, 2024, Us Weekly reported that Mahmoud was arrested and charged with misdemeanor domestic violence against Nicole. However, 90 Day Fiancé bloggers Merrypants and John Yates were the first to break this news.
Just over a week after her husband’s arrest, on February 29, Nicole broke her silence. She took to her Instagram Story to share a post from the Musawah Movement's official account, which highlighted Policy Brief 8, focusing on "ending violence against women in Muslim families."
Originally shared on Nov. 24, 2023, the post was accompanied by a caption emphasizing, "Violence against women is a global phenomenon that cuts across all cultures, religions, countries, and contexts."
The post added, "Over one in three women experience physical or sexual violence at some point in their lives. Violence against women stems from patriarchal ideas, power imbalances, and sex and gender discrimination.”
Nicole chose not to add any further text to the Instagram Story, allowing the post to convey its message effectively. The organization also clarified that the policy goes more in-depth about the definition of violence against women and law reform progress that were made around the world.”
If you or someone you know is experiencing domestic violence, call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-7233.