“It’s a Driving Range” - Top Golf Worker Tells Guests No Full Swings and People Are Confused

Published Nov. 21 2023, 3:56 p.m. ET

A Top Golf customer uploaded a video of him getting scolded for launching a ball at the driving range well over the nets of the establishment, causing numerous viewers to scrunch their faces in disbelief.
The clip, which was uploaded by golf enthusiast and TikTok user Tyler Hamilton (@hammy.golf) ended up accruing 29.3 million views on the popular social media application, along with thousands of comments from other folks
"The owner wasn't happy about me hitting over the net," Tyler writes in a text overlay of his video. After absolutely massacring a drive that launches a golf ball well over a net.
Immediately after hitting the ball, a woman's voice can be heard off-camera, presumably someone who is a manager of the facility saying, "No full swings if you don't like it you could leave my facility!"
Hammy throws his arms up in the air after looking in the direction of the woman who just chewed him out for daring to hit a ball at full blast while at a driving range, and there were a number of TikTokers who thought that the entire point of driving ranges was so that folks could practice their drives, by swinging at full power.
"no full swing at a driving range !?!?!" one person wrote.
Another remarked, "No full swing in a driving range is CRAZYYYY"
"okay but it’s top golf??" someone else remarked.
"It’s a driving range you’re supposed to full swing" another person wrote.

Someone else quipped that if they were at the driving range and in the same situation as Hammy then they would simply continue to launch ball after ball over the nets as they don't think they should be held responsible for pulling back on their swings.
"No full swing? No thanks. I’m doing it all the way! Not my problem. Make the nets taller!"
Tyler's TikTok account is filled with a variety of different golf-related content, and some of it is so off-the-wall that it's difficult to believe some of it isn't staged.
Like when Tyler landed a thwack at Top Golf and an employee said, "Another victory Royale for the OGs, could I get you some more ice, some more water?" he asks in the clip. Tyler couldn't believe that the man spoke to him in such a manner.
He also managed to get what seems to be a video that his girlfriend took of him getting ready to practice his swing at, where else, a Top Golf again.
A text overlay in this clip reads: "Boyfriend took me to topgolf...New ick unlocked." Tyler writes in an unapologetic caption for the post: "Time to look for a new boyfriend"
In another relationship themed post, Tyler was being recorded by someone who didn't seem too impressed with his golf obsession: "First date at topgolf and he brought his golf bag LMAO"
The person adds that the date is not going to just be the first time that they hang out, but also their last as Tyler hits a couple of swings, but then gets so angry at fumbling one hit that he slams his club against the patch of turf.
At one point in the video he approaches the person capturing him on camera, "Can I ask why you're recording my swing though? Like I don't think there's any need for you to do that. Why are you? Who are you sending it to?"
Which seemed to give "the ick" to several folks you saw the clip, even if there were people who defended his decision to bring a first date to Top Golf.