Woman Says She's Tired of Attracting Republicans, Updates Her Hinge Profile to Keep Them Away

Published June 29 2023, 3:38 p.m. ET
Let's face it — dating is hard in this day and age. It's impossible to meet someone "the old-fashioned way," and every single dating app turns people off so much that they don't even want to bother with dating anymore.
It's very overwhelming, but if you know what you want, just go for it! That's what TikTok user @ameliahwhite did; she got tired of a particular group of people liking her on Hinge, so she updated her profile to keep them away.
Read on for all the known details. Plus, stick around to see how some responded to her demands.

A woman added a "no Republicans" preference to her Hinge profile.
In a text overlay of the viral video, which has amassed over 1.1 million views on TikTok, the TikToker wrote, "Added this to my Hinge profile bc I was tired of being liked by Republicans. Here's how it's going!"
The "this" in question is Amelia's answer to a prompt about non-negotiables in a relationship: "If you're Conservative, Republican, Christian, homophobic, transphobic, racist, or hate Taylor Swift, literally do not talk to me." We applaud Amelia because she knows what she wants and doesn't want to waste more time.

Three people bash Amelia for knowing what she wants in a relationship.
Since updating her profile, Amelia has received various messages — many of which are hateful and disgusting. One transphobic man wrote, "You pass really well, congratulations on the transition," while another penned, "Lol liberals, incredibly biased and brainwashed by media."
A third person commented, "Eat s---!! I'm conservative and Republican but still respect everyone and treat everyone as equals." If you really respected everyone, you wouldn't tell someone to "eat s---."
One guy deemed Amelia "insufferable," while another Hinge user said she "literally named 99 percent of dudes." OK, and what about it? Let her have her standards because someone will eventually show up and meet the criteria.

Three people tell Amelia they "respect" that she knows what she wants in a relationship.
Others were dead-set on defending Christianity, with one mansplainer (who said he's not even Christian) writing, "I feel like I'm gonna come out and defend them here because, as I understand it, Christianity at its core is about accepting everybody, there are just a select few who have politically weaponized it."
"Just curious what's wrong with Christian even though it doesn't apply to me at all," said another.
A third person asked, "Why do you not like Christians? I also really dislike the religion and the church in general, but I'm slowly learning that they are not all homophobic and other forms of bigots. But [in] general, it's fair."
Thankfully, one person said they "respect" Amelia because she knows what she doesn't want and is actively trying to steer clear of them so they don't waste her time. Um, preach!
Many fellow TikTokers are laughing at the responses Amelia received.
The viral video instantly racked up thousands of comments, with many fellow TikTokers sharing their thoughts on the situation. Many pointed out that these Hinge users wasted their time by going out of their way to comment and share their unwanted opinion.

"Literally confused on why they always have to go out of their way to comment on it ???" one TikTok user said. Another commented, "The fact they waste their likes just to go and give their unwanted opinions."
Others took to the comment section to mock some of the responses.
"I liked the guy who reorganized the order," reads the top comment. A second TikTok user commented, "Getting called insufferable by a guy w a rock climbing profile pic is RICH," while a third sarcastically said, "I like the guy who insulted you and then said he treats everyone with respect."
All that matters is that Amelia knows what she wants, so she can ignore these not-so-nice guys!