Man Shares Story About Dealing With Road Rage at "No Right on Red" Sign — the End Is Hilarious

Published July 7 2023, 1:18 p.m. ET
In many parts of North America, it is legal for drivers to turn right when a traffic light is red. The legality of this little driving rule varies based on state and region, but if you come to a full stop at a red light, some local traffic laws allow you to turn while the light is still red as long as you check for any oncoming traffic. Some traffic lights will even have specific directional lights indicating whether or not drivers turning right are OK to go while the light is still red for others.
The law is so prevalent that some turns are even designated with "No Right on Red" signs to signify that a right turn on a red light is not allowed at any time.
A man named Brandon (@thatgingerbrandon) knew the difference when it came to when to turn at a red light but he was met with another driver who let his road rage fly in the worst possible way.
Brandon shared his story on TikTok and his reaction to the other driver's road rage was honestly hilarious.
This driver was met with road rage for obeying a "No Right on Red" sign.
Brandon divulged the gritty details of the road rage incident in a self-appointed AITA ("Am I the A------?") TikTok. According to him, he was coming up to a light that was turning red and had clocked a sign that clearly read "No Right Hand Turn on Red." Prepared to turn right, Brandon planned on waiting until the light turned green.
Apparently, this act of traffic safety didn't sit right with a minivan driver, who pulled up so close to Brandon that he "[couldn't] even see the front of the van." He reportedly started "blaring his horn" and even stuck his head out the window yelling at Brandon to "f------ go." Brandon tried to gesture toward the sign forbidding him to go on red, but that wasn't enough for the angry driver.
Brandon admitted that he contemplated simply driving away once the light turned green, but he apparently woke up that day and chose chaos. As soon as the light changed he drove as slowly as legally possible just to get under the other driver's skin.
"I crawled away from that line as if I was a grandma driving her Buick to Sunday church," Brandon joked.
The two of them ended up on the highway, which had a speed limit of 55 mph. The other driver was so infuriated that he started "screaming his head off" behind Brandon. The other driver then tried to speed past and cut Brandon off, pushing 90 as he did so.
While the other driver managed to cut him off and throw expletives at Brandon all the while, he was almost immediately pulled over by the cops for, you guessed it, speeding. Brandon couldn't help but laugh as he rolled by the other driver, who was likely getting ticketed.
For the most part, TikTok users in the comments are firmly on Brandon's side. Many seem to believe that the angry driver getting pulled over was an act of karma.
"Only way this story could've been better is if you gave him a little toot and friendly wave as you drove by," one user joked.
"1000000 percent not the a------," another definitively commented.
Brandon even replied to comments suggesting that the other driver had a reason to be angry at the time and that he may have had something going on. While Brandon agreed that he has no idea what's going on in someone's personal life, he still stands by his actions.
"I'm not here trying to decipher and justify somebody's reasoning and actions while they're screaming and yelling at a light acting like a complete a------," Brandon declares in his follow-up. "I was simply following the rules of the road and the law."