“I Have a Full-Blown Fever Now”: Boss Criticized for Begging Sick Driver to Come to Work

Published Dec. 8 2022, 3:37 p.m. ET

There's something undeniably admirable about someone who defies the odds and pushes through adversity out of loyalty, determination, grit, stubbornness, or a desire to keep their word. A person who, no matter what, come hell or high water, will accomplish what they said they would accomplish.
These types of folks need to be told by others to slow down and take a rest because they're working too hard because all they can see is what they can accomplish. However, depending on the situation, this kind of attitude might ultimately get people hurt.
This is what many Redditors are saying is possibly the case in a post that went viral on the website's r/antiwork sub. As the name indicates, the sub is dedicated to anecdotes and discussions about just how awful workplaces, jobs in general, and management can be.
And this one delivery driver's text conversation with their supervisor (uploaded by @kalikid01) is being hailed as a prime example of what awful management skills look like.

The employee texts their boss, "I am sicker than yesterday. I need rest." at 7:08 AM
Boss: "No don't say that I can't cover your route is a lot. You have. A lot today." before adding "Hello" because it seemed like the worker in question wasn't getting back to them quickly enough.

At this point in the conversation the employee appears to capitulate, texting, "OK I'll get some more sleep and see if that will help me"
At 8:38 AM the worker writes "I'm on my way" the boss writes, "Thanks"
But that's not the end of their conversation as the employee texted their boss the next day at 6:46 AM writing "I have a full-blown fever now"

Again, their supervisor doesn't show any concern for their health and well-being and immediately asks, "You have 200 stops Can you help with some"

Redditors who saw the post were shocked that the manager wouldn't allow their employee to simply rest when they are sick. Others mentioned that it's not the end of the world if packages arrived a few days late versus someone working themselves into poorer health.

Others remarked that it was irresponsible of the employee's manager to expect them to come into work and deliver a bunch of packages while sick, which could potentially be a severe workplace hazard.

Driving while feverish and ill could put not only the employee, but company, and others on the road at risk. Should anything happen to the driver that would compromise or inhibit to drive while operating a vehicle, the end result could be utterly disastrous.

And then there were those who said that having corporate fealty or a sense of duty to your job is ultimately for suckers because in many instances, employers will up and replace you at a moment's notice and wouldn't give a second thought to you if you were to drop dead while on the clock.

Have you felt the need to go into work sick in the past? Has an employer ever asked you to come in and work despite the fact that you were ill?