These No Sports Memes Are Just What We Need to Get Through March Sadness

Updated March 18 2020, 2:38 p.m. ET

The novel coronavirus has upended the everyday lives of Americans across the nation. From school cancellations to remote working and the implementing of social distancing, the pandemic has left people struggling to adapt to their "new normal." Sports fans in particular seem to be having a difficult time navigating a world without any professional athletic competition whatsoever. And honestly, these no sports memes are just what they need to get through "March Sadness."
No sports memes are the only good thing about no sports.
In case you haven't been following along, the sheer volume of sporting events that have been affected by COVID-19 is staggering. Major League Baseball has delayed its opening day. March Madness has been canceled. All remaining winter and spring sports for the NCAA have been canceled for the school year — including tournaments.
Not to mention, the following seasons have been suspended indefinitely: Major League Soccer. National Basketball Association, NASCAR, the National Hockey League, the English Premier League, and UEFA.

The only remaining sliver of hope is the upcoming NFL Draft, which has been changed to a TV-only event. (But at least that's something.)
It's worth pointing out that having no sports isn't the worst thing in the world by any means — and that canceling/postponing these seasons and tournaments is in the best interests of both fans and athletes. But it's still a much different world than sports junkies are used to.

Because of the very real threat posed by COVID-19, plenty of avid sports fans are stuck at home with no athletic events to help pass the time. To help keep themselves occupied — and as a stress-relieving/upbeat way to vent among fellow sports lovers — countless no sports memes have been circulating via social media. Let's take a look at some of the best of the best.
When desperation sets in for any sort of organized competition.
But you're stuck inside looking out the window while working remotely — because social distancing and all that jazz. So you start keeping score any way that you can.

But hey, self-quarantine with no sports offers plenty of new opportunities.
Now that we're all stuck inside with no March Madness drama to distract us, perhaps we can all reconnect with our partners. Or, you know, remember that we even had them in the first place.
Finally, we can all relate to that crying Northwestern fan.
This kid's reaction may have been a bit dramatic for this particular situation. But in the midst of no sports, fans across the nation have never empathized more with him.
At least everyone will have flawless brackets now.
This is mostly because there are precisely zero teams in the March Madness bracket for 2020. But that's beside the point. Go ahead and give yourself a win; we could all use one right now.
For some teams, though, not much has really changed.
I mean, is the Marlins stadium really any emptier now since there is no sports?
Conversations between sports fans have gotten a bit... less exciting.
Without being able to heckle friends who are fans of rival teams or relive the intense moments and terrible calls from last night's game, sports fans don't have much small talk up their sleeves these days.

People are coming up with some creative alternate brackets, though.
Now that March Madness is officially "March Sadness," bored sports enthusiasts are turning to brackets to figure out what to do next. Because when there's no sports, deciding between watching more TV and doing yard work is about as exciting as it gets.

The Los Angeles Chargers were already prepared for the possibility of no fans.
This was probably made before the coronavirus canceled all sports. But had athletic events continued — just without spectators — the Los Angeles Chargers wouldn't have noticed much of a difference.

Desperate times call for desperate measures.
There are so many different variations of this meme in relation to the coronavirus — between Pennywise promising toilet paper, hand sanitizer, or hand soap — and yet, it's still funny. Every single time.

Sports fans have never related so hard to Michael Scott.
Hopefully they're practicing proper social distancing and they're not crying alone on some park bench. But if they are, still don't walk over and give them a reassuring hug. Please stick with words of encouragement from at least 6 feet away.

In conclusion, please check on the sports enthusiasts in your life. Because although they may be passing the time by creating hilarious memes about the cancellation of all sports — and it might seem like they're coping well — sports fans definitely aren't OK.