7 Ideas for Obscure Marvel Character Halloween Costumes You Can Achieve Without Spending Much

Published Oct. 6 2021, 4:59 p.m. ET

Odds are you'll likely you'll see at least one Scarlet Witch, Loki, or the new Captain America at a Halloween 2021 party, but what are some obscure Marvel character costume ideas that'll make you stand out? We've come up with some costume ideas that won't break the bank.
Keep in mind that the following ideas are all in good fun and they are not meant to be taken too seriously. Now, let's begin!
1. The "I'm Fine" Wanda Maximoff

Wanda Maximoff may be one of, if not the most powerful Avenger depending on your point of view, but she was never more relatable than her appearance in WandaVision Episode 7, "Breaking the Fourth Wall." Wanda basically has a breakdown as she starts to lose control of the fantasy world she's created, says it's "just a case of the Mondays," and tells a mysterious off-camera entity that she is fine.
Embrace your inner Scarlet Witch with a plaid bathrobe and a t-shirt from your closet (bonus points if both are blue). If you're not a naturally strawberry-blond redhead and want your costume to have an authentic Wanda feel, Amazon has a lot of wigs listed that closely match Wanda's color.
Tape a piece of paper to yourself with the words, "I'M FINE" for added emphasis. Extra credit if you get an Agatha Harkness to go around with you telling people, "I bit a kid once."
2. Someone snapped by Thanos

Are you a major introvert, yet you occasionally feel the need to socialize? So you went to that Halloween party, but halfway through, you feel the call of your blankets summoning you away from any and all human interaction?
Make your exit as quietly as possible, and if people inquire about your whereabouts the next day, leave them on read and respond weeks later with, "Oh sorry, I was snapped by Thanos. How's life been?"
3. The house deed Vision left for Wanda

If you want to be a Halloween heartbreaker this year try this idea. Dress up as the deed that Vision left for Wanda for a plot of land in Westview for the couple" to grow old in." You could simply print out a screenshot of the deed from WandaVIsion Episode 8, "Previously On," and tape it to a white shirt. Or, if you're more artistically inclined, you can recreate the deed on a white t-shirt with black and red markers. (Don't forget the heart!)
4. Ballerina Deadpool

Challenge toxic masculinity and celebrate Deadpool being an official part of the MCU by dressing up as Ballerina Deadpool. No need to buy an expensive Deadpool costume. Simply download a free Deadpool mask template, purchase a cheap tutu (or even just tape some tulle to your torso), and you're all set. Don't forget that signature Merc with a Mouth sass as your costume's main accessory.
Suffice to say that you'll be en pointe with this costume.
5. '90s-era Carol Danvers/Maria Rambeau in '90s civilian chic

Everyone and their mother have probably already cosplayed Captain Marvel's iconic red, white and blue suit. Try celebrating these two kick-butt Air Force pilots without having to shell out cash for a cosplay flight suit by dressing up in Maria or Carol's civilian looks.
Throw on a pair of ripped jeans and a white t-shirt or a dark jean jumpsuit (Forever 21 has some for sale for less than thirty bucks), slap on some slick combat boots, and before you know it, you and your bestie are cosplaying Captain Marvel's best pair.

Bonus points if you have a baseball cap and a bomber jacket to complete Carol's casual incognito civilian look. Extra bonus points if you embrace the '90s nostalgia of Captain Marvel and ask everyone where the nearest Blockbuster is.

7. Literally anyone from 'Eternals'
Okay, so this idea could involve spending more money, but if you're trying to stay ahead of the Marvel trend game, dress up as one of the characters from Eternals! After all, the film doesn't hit theaters until Nov. 5. Spend a bit more and stay ahead of what will likely be a popular Marvel Halloween 2022 costume idea.
Have a safe and fun Halloween 2021, Marvel fans.