Conservative Conspiracy Theorists Are Suddenly Predicting a Zombie Apocalypse on October 4

Published Oct. 3 2023, 2:11 p.m. ET

The Gist:
Many of us millennials grew up with multiple doomsday dates to look forward to. There was Y2K in 2000, during which the year change to 2000 was meant to throw electronics into disarray and plunge us into an age without technology. Kids also lived in a collective fear of June 6, 2006, which would have been written as 6/6/06, an especially evil number for Christianity. Then rather infamously, the end of the Mayan Calendar on Dec. 21, 2012 was supposed to spell the end of the world.
Needless to say, none of that actually took place. While the downfall of society is very much currently in play on more of a slow burn, the world has managed to avoid many of the socially constructed apocalypses throughout its lifespan.
Unfortunately, that hasn't stopped conspiracy theorists from continuing to concoct new dates from thin air. As of this writing, conservatives are living in fear of a zombie apocalypse that they've said will take place on October 4. Here's what they're saying.
Conspiracy theorists fear a zombie outbreak on October 4. The theory, explained.
In a brand new conspiracy theory that you may or may not have heard of by now, conservatives have been attempting to spread the word on some sort of zombie outbreak that will supposedly take place on Oct. 4. The baseless theory touches on plenty of hot button topics for right-wing pundits including vaccines and the use of 5G towers.
According to conservative public figures like Nicholas Veniamin, this zombie virus can be activated through "three one-minute pulse waves" that can be transmitted through smart devices and 5G. They also claim that anyone who is vaccinated is at risk of falling victim to this apparent attack. The pulse waves will reportedly be transmitted on Oct. 4.
Their theory also suggests that the highly virulent Marburg Virus has been "baked into" this year's vaccine doses. Anyone who is subject to the aforementioned pulse waves will have this virus activated and cause a Marburg outbreak. Oh and for added effect, it'll turn people into zombies too.
Theorists also often cite the research and claims of an attorney named Todd Candela, with a supposed video of him floating around in which he says a lot of scientific terminology in quick succession without stopping to explain any of it.
This theory happens to coincide with a nationwide emergency alert test set to take place on the same date in the United States. During this test, which is scheduled to occur at 2:20 p.m. EST, a broadcast alert tone and message will be sent to televisions, radios, and smartphones around the country. Such tests previously took place in November 2011 and August 2021, with no zombie apocalypses among the vaccinated having subsequently occurred.
Worst case scenario, be prepared to receive a quick text as part of the test and go about your day.