'Octopath Traveler II' Lets You Assign Secondary Jobs to Your Party – Here’s How to Unlock Them All

Published Feb. 28 2023, 3:35 p.m. ET

Each character in Octopath Traveler II comes with a default job, but you can eventually assign them a secondary job to enhance their skill set. This isn’t as simple as diving into a menu and selecting a new job, however, as you’ll first need to track down the guild location for your prospective job before it becomes useable.
Guilds can be found throughout the entire map of Octopath Traveler II, and it can be time-consuming to track them all down if you don’t know where to begin your search. Here’s what you need to know about Octopath Traveler II secondary job locations before venturing out into the wild.

'Octopath Traveler II' secondary job locations.
Before you can assign a secondary job to any of your characters, you’ll need to acquire a Job License. These can be earned by talking with Guild Leaders and carrying out quests on their behalf. But finding these Guild Leaders is half the battle.
Instead of heading straight for a Guild Leader and giving yourself a secondary job, it’s best to first reach level 30. Many guild locations are within areas that require you to be around this level, and attempting to set foot in them at a lower level could prove to be incredibly frustrating. Once you’ve hit that level (or don’t mind a bit of a challenge), here’s a look at every Octopath Traveler II secondary job location.

Job | Location |
Apothecary | This guild is located in Conning Creek, which is found in the Harborlands. |
Cleric | This guild is located in Borderfall in the Crescentlands. |
Dancer | This guild is located in Wellgrove in the Leaflands. |
Hunter | This guild is found in Toto’haha near Beasting Bay and Tropu’hopu. |
Merchant | This guild is found at a camp west of Crackridge in the Western Crackridge Wilds. |
Scholar | This guild is found in the northwestern portion of the Western Winterbloom Snows region. |
Thief | This guild is the most challenging one to find. Head to the Brightlands and go to the town of Clockridge. Then, head northwest until you discover a stone archway. Wait until it's night, and you’ll encounter a band of thieves holding a meeting. |
Warrior | This guild is found in Sai in the Hinoeuma region. |
How to earn job licenses in 'Octopath Traveler II'.
Job licenses are required to equip a secondary job in Octopath Traveler II. Talking with a Guild Leader will grant you a single job license, which allows one member of your party to use the secondary job. Each Guild Leader will pass out two additional job licenses for completing side quests for them – which range from mundane fetch quests to learning advanced skills. If you plan on assigning the secondary job to more than one character, then these quests are worth the added effort.