Man Denied 15% Pay Raise Gets "Revenge" on Boss by Getting Entire Department to Quit

Updated June 25 2023, 9:45 a.m. ET

Even though there are a lot of industries offering pay raises, salaries still aren't matching the rate of inflation which means that for most people, they're either making the same amount of money as they were before, or even less. That, coupled with the increased cost of living across the United States, and it being harder now for the average American to own a house than it was during the Great Depression, it's understandable why many folks are so concerned with receiving higher pay.
And some folks feel forced, even temporarily, to stay in jobs they feel are either not giving them enough upward mobility or aren't paying them enough based on their contributions to said company. Whether it's because they're finding difficulty landing interviews at other businesses, or they need to maintain their health benefits, there are throngs of people who stay in jobs they don't love.
A Redditor who posts under the username @NonVeganMillennial shared how they dealt with an employer who wouldn't give them a pay raise. The Reddit user states that the company, despite having more than enough money to dish out to its workers left for a better paying position and a ton of other co-workers followed their head, which resulted in a massive headache for the "greedy" business.

Their post states: "A year ago, I walked into my boss' office and demanded a 15% salary raise. I presented to him some statistics on the average salary in my field of work and the numbers of years of experience I had at the time. I told him that he had told me that he was pleased with my performance, so I wanted the average."
"He told me that the salary raise I asked for wasn't in line with the company's salary policy and that he could give me at most 5%. He also told me how outrageous my demand was since it would mean that I would get more than others in the same department who had more years of experience than me."

Instead of parsing numbers and getting into the weeds as the Redditor had done their research, they decided to reach out to their friend "who works in the recruiting business." One week later they secured an interview for a job that had a 25% salary increase over their current role, with an even better benefits package, and it was located in the same city.
They then informed their boss of the decision and what transpired next is sweet office revenge.
"I gave my boss the 1 month's + current month's notice as is the law in Denmark. He was furious. I told my colleagues about the situation, and all four of them asked for my friend's number, and 3 months later they had all found a higher-paid positions. The entire department and all the knowledge disappeared because a company that made a 15 million USD profit didn't want to pay their workers a fair share."

"Last I heard, they had found two newly educated workers to replace us, but have had to turn down several potential multi-million dollar sales projects because those projects are NOT going to happen without that department being fully staffed."
They concluded their post with: "But oh well, they saved some few pennies in salary expenses facepalm."
Some folks who read their post wanted to know how to get a work visa in Denmark, to which the Redditor suggested folks simply Google.

Others prospective Danish employees asked for the name of the recruiter and both companies they worked for, but OP wouldn't share that information due to privacy reasons.
Commenters applauded the Redditor's initiative, while others lambasted the company for viewing "employees [as] an expense rather than an asset or investment."

As user @Potential_Reading116 puts it: "Ah no , employees are expendable. Thats always the mindset
shareholders are all that matters. We’re a few decades into this mindset which is why there is no loyalty to a company anymore, as well as none to its employees
So today kids we’ve learned to always take care of yourselves, co. Is a distant 2nd"