21 Olympic Jokes for Kids to Celebrate the Summer Games
When telling these jokes, just make sure you stick the landing … We mean the punchline!
Updated July 30 2024, 4:44 p.m. ET

It’s unfortunate that the Olympic Games only come around every four years because they provide so much entertainment for everyone in the family. From the sporting events to the increasingly over-the-top opening and closing ceremonies, there’s something for everyone to watch and enjoy.
And while most people love their families, being cooped up with everyone in front of the television is bound to make the togetherness feel old really fast.
Enter humor and entertainment, especially for the kids who will no doubt get bored any time the commercials come on, or when there’s a slower sport (no offense to curling) being played.
So here's a collection of Olympic jokes for the kids. Your young ones will be rolling on the floor with these PG-rated Olympic jokes that you can share when it comes time to watch the world’s best athletes compete against each other.
Just make sure you stick the landing … We mean the punchline!

Paris 2024 Olympic Games
Olympic Jokes for Kids
1. Q: What lights up a soccer stadium?
A: A soccer match.
2. Q: What animal is best at hitting a baseball?
A: A bat, of course.
3. Q: Why did the golfer have an extra pair of pants?
A: In case he got a hole in one.
4. –Knock, knock.
–Who's there?
–Woo, who?
–What are you cheering for? We didn't win a medal.
5. Q: Why is it so hot in a stadium after the Olympic games are over?
A: Because all the fans have left!
6. –I see you won a silver medal at the Olympics. What’s it for?
–Athlete: It’s for telling knock knock jokes.
–And what’s that gold medal for?
–Athlete: For stopping.
7. Q: How do fireflies start a race?
A: “On your mark. Get set. Glow!”
8. Q: What did the hot dog say when it won a gold medal?
A: I’m a wiener!

9. Q: What is the best part of an Olympic boxer’s joke?
A: The punchline.
10. Q: What is a banana’s favorite gymnastics move?
A: The splits!
11. Q: Why did the spotted jungle cat get disqualified from the Olympics?
A: It was a cheetah.
12. Q: Why were the swimming elephants thrown out of the Olympics?
A: Because they couldn’t keep their trunks up!
13. Q: Why couldn’t the bike finish the Olympic race?
A: It was two-tired.
14. Q: What kind of exercises are best for a swimmer?
A: Pool-ups.
15. Q: What did the archer say when she nearly got shot at the archery contest?
A: Wow, that was an arrow escape!
16. Q: Why couldn’t the athlete listen to music?
A: Because she broke the record!
17. Q: How can a footballer stop his nose running?
A: Put out a foot and trip it up.
18. Q: Why did the Easter Bunny join the Olympics?
A: Because he heard that first place gets 24 carrots.
19. Q: Why is basketball the messiest Olympic sport?
A: Because the players dribble all over the court!
20. Q: Why does Cinderella never win the Olympics?
A: Because she has a pumpkin for a coach and runs away from the ball.
21: Q: Why couldn’t the dog run in the marathon?
A: Because he wasn’t a part of the human race!