Here Are the Funniest Reactions to the Omarion and Mario Verzuz Battle

Published June 24 2022, 1:01 p.m. ET
R&B lovers were in for a real treat with the Omarion and Mario Verzuz battle on June 23, 2022. For weeks, fans have been sharing their excitement via social media for the epic event. Verzuz showrunners decided to switch things up by including singers Bobby Valentino, Pleasure P, Sammie, and Ray J into the mix for a pre-show battle. Fans of all the singers love their unique personalities, and of course, viewers got to see all the madness unfold.
If you weren’t able to watch the Verzuz battle, you truly missed out. The show was filled with tons of viral moments, hilarious digs at the singers, and humiliating bits that will forever live on thanks to social media. In other words, the Verzuz battle was a hot mess that the masses enjoyed and savored every second of.
Luckily, social media makes it oh-so-easy to catch up on the highlights. And while you can watch the Verzuz battle on a plethora of platforms, there is something about social media’s take on the battle that makes things even more funny. So, we’ve compiled the funniest memes and reactions to the Omarion and Mario Verzuz Battle to help you get through your day.
1. Mario bothers the "Unbothered King"
Over the years, Omarion has earned the title of "Unbothered King" for the way he seemingly doesn't allow anything to affect him. However, Mario's share of digs and shade during the Verzuz battle obviously got under Omarion's skin.
2. Mario annihilated Omarion with his last song "Let Me Love You"
Omarion and the rest of the world learned not to question Mario's hits. Mario hit Omarion with the final knockout at the end of the battle with his Ne-yo written smash hit, "Let Me Love You." And, yes, it hit Omarion like a housefire.
3. Mario called out Omarion and Jeremih for singing off-key
Mario is not the one to play with when it comes to vocals and hits. Unfortunately, Omarion brought out Jeremiah for his Verzuz battle to sing, but both men's vocals were not up to par. As expected, Mario and his DJ had a field day with throwing out insults. To be quite frank, this insult hurt our feelings and we weren't even present.
4. Mario calls The Millennium Tour "raggedy"
Omarion tried to throw shade at Mario for not participating in one of the Millennium Tours — Mario performed in the 2019 run — but the Baltimore songbird quickly clapped back with an insult. Mario was playing absolutely no games with Omarion.
5. Bow Wow Violence meme
Social media users would all agree that Mario delivered vocals, sex appeal, and his share of shade during the Verzuz battle. And every time Mario finished singing, there was an insult waiting for Omarion. It was TV gold!
6. Tiger Woods stare
It's no secret that Omarion underestimated Mario. And at one point throughout the battle, Omarion's facial expressions gave away his true feelings. This meme is the perfect example of how Omarion looked to be feeling as Mario continued to sway the crowd and viewers at home.
7. Omarion's microphone
Verzuz battles are always hubs for new memes. After Omarion gave viewers and audience members some microphone-meet-floor action, social media users took the moment and made a meme. Since the Verzuz went over time and had us all up until nearly 2 a.m. EST, this shows how many of us attempted to wake up and clock in to work this morning. Hilarious!
8. Omarion making the symbol "O" with his hands
Social media users really have no chill. As Omarion prepared to perform his hit song "O," he proceeded to make the symbol of the letter with his hands. Unfortunately, this social media user used that moment to share how many rounds Omarion won in the battle. Cold-blooded!
9. Omarion's MIA vocals
Social media was not a fan of Omarion's performance last night. And although Omarion shared that he was having sound issues, fans still held his feet to the fire. And this Twitter user's sentiments are hilariously spot on.
10. Ray J's pitchy vocals
Social media users were unhappy with Ray J bragging on Brandy being his sister and not doing her justice with his incredibly pitchy vocals. Told you! It was a hot mess!
11. Fat Joe's famous line
Yesterday's price is not today's price, and that's word to Fat Joe. Social media users are in agreement that this Verzuz battle has solidified Mario's place in R&B and may very well catapult is career even further.
12. Uncle Joe's "Don't do it"
Mario clearly had this Verzuz battle in the bag from the beginning. And while Omarion made it a point to bring out musical guests, many of them sounded pitchy and off-key. As a result, Mario told them not to risk it and perform with the singer. Lol.
13. DeRay Davis trying to end the Verzuz Battle
Comedian Kat Williams is a fan-favorite for good reason, and one of his memorable jokes consists of Kat telling someone "no" because he has bills and other responsibilities. While Omarion and Mario argued about continuing the battle toward the ends, Deray swooped in to shut them down.
What a time to be alive!