This Woman Is Ready to Leave Her Husband Because He Opened a Package of Cheese Wrong

Published Dec. 18 2023, 6:59 p.m. ET

The instructions are right there
Not only have I never lived with a romantic partner, but I've never had a roommate. I am an only child and my commitment to remaining one was so strong that I actually absorbed my own twin in utero. I discovered this when I had a strange lump removed from my inner thigh. I was awake during the surgery and at point the doctor looked at a nurse and said, "We need a bigger jar." What is this, JAWS? Turns out that thing was filled with tissue and hair. She had to go.
All this to say, I have never had to deal with the complexities of sharing my personal space with another human for more than a few days at a time. I'm not opposed to living with a person I care about, but I often think of all the adjustments that come with that. That's why I completely understand the frustration one TikToker felt when she discovered how her husband chose to open a package of cheese.

Say cheese!
The instructions for opening up a package of cheese are on said package.
Kelsea Chandler, who goes by @kelseachandler1 on TikTok, is confused as to why her husband cannot properly open a package of cheese. Was he bested by its use of ziplock technology? Perhaps he was merely tired that day.
"If you want to know what it's like living with a man," asks Kelsea while holding up an open package of sliced Sargento pepper jack cheese, "it's this."
In this particular moment, Kelsea is revealing a victimless crime. The package of cheese has been brutally ripped open below the established resealable ziplock strip. In this man's defense, some of them can be quite tricky. On occasion, I have found that there isn't enough material above the line for me to grab onto and pull it apart.
I'd like to give Kelsea's partner the benefit of the doubt here. This is but one example of how design can fail us. I can't tell you how many cereal bags I have cut open because I was physically incapable of pulling apart the sealed bag. Is the bag trying to save itself? Well, it worked.
Kelsea has the annoyed look of a human being who has undoubtedly dealt with this before. This ain't her first trip to the rip a package open without following directions rodeo. Of course I do feel compelled to point out that she's making a broad generalization about cohabitation.
Is this a situation that occurs often between all men and women who cohabitate, or is this specific to Kelsea's relationship? I took a look at her other TikToks, and they are primarily about her job as a nurse which is very cool.
I then found one TikTok devoted to Kelsea's husband which paints a different picture. In it, her husband is repeatedly bending over bowls of their dogs's food and blowing on it. I assume they throw it into the microwave, which is something I do, then have to blow on it to cool it down.
I will always err on the side of people who are overly kind to animals. In the grand scheme of things, who cares about the occasional decimated package of cheese when you have a partner who loves your animals so much that he blows on their food to cool it down before serving it to them?
People in the comments were far less diligent about looking to Kelsea's husband's other activities. Most appeared to side with her. "I stopped living with a man 6 months ago and I swear I’ll never do it again," wrote one person. Another said if her current relationship doesn't work out, she too is never living with a man again. It's an epidemic! This may not be the norm for Kelsea but it appears to be a problem with women on the internet. Fellas, open your hearts and your cheese packages correctly!