Panera Employee Refuses to Take a Mom's Order Because of a Screaming Child

Published Jan. 19 2023, 4:57 p.m. ET
Ah, children. These days, it seems like parents can't even take kids on a plane without major drama from others who view them as an inconvenience. Or as we’ve just learned, to a Panera Bread drive-through.
Mom and TikTok user @leikerornot shared a video of a Panera Bread employee refusing to serve her because of her loud child. And surprisingly, plenty of folks who watched the video seemed to think that the mom was in the wrong. Keep scrolling to see why.

A TikTok video showed a mom getting refused service at Panera Bread because of her noisy kid.
“So you’re not going to take my order because my child was screaming?” said @leikerornot in a video she was filming while at the Panera drive-through.
“Yes, I have the right to do that,” answered the drive-through employee.
The mom later fired back: "I will be emailing corporate because that is just completely rude." The employee answered "OK" nonchalantly and encouraged her to either order in the store or online.
That's when the mom vetoed both options. She claimed she could not come inside because her daughter didn't have shoes on. In terms of online ordering, she explained that it is "not convenient to me," claiming that she didn't have 20 minutes to spare to place an online order.
"It's your job to take orders and stuff and this is ridiculous," she informed the employee. He remained silent.
A few moments later, he gave in. "OK, I will be happy to take your order as long as your daughter doesn't scream, all right?"
@leikerornot answered, "I think that's a pretty good decision on your part."
"OK, I don't need this attitude," the employee said as the video ended. We were left to believe that he did take her order.

By the remarks the woman made in the video, it was evident she made this TikTok video to receive sympathy for initially being denied service. Unfortunately, not everyone agreed with her. In fact, if you take a peek in the comment section, it seems most sided with the Panera Bread employee.
Even fellow parents didn't seem to feel for her.

One user reckoned that @leikerornot would have been just as upset if he did take her order but got it wrong because her daughter was screaming in the background.

Other comments suggested that the Panera employee should get a raise for having to deal with her attitude.
It seems @leikerornot was not happy with the feedback she received. She took to the platform to post a follow-up video.
"Hi guys, Panera Karen," she said in the clip above, adding, "Just wanted to tell you guys that I will be meeting with the area manager tomorrow at Panera." She debated whether or not she'd go live on TikTok during the meeting but seemed optimistic. "Let's just say he doesn't agree with the majority of comments," she said as she ended the video.
And while we wish we could show you the juicy conversation between those two, that's the last we've heard from her. She hasn't returned to the platform since to update fans on how it went.
Perhaps the meeting didn't go as expected, and she decided not to share the details. Or perhaps the mom simply grew tired of the online hate and didn't think it was worth following up. If only we were a fly on the wall during that conversation.