A Server on TikTok Was Asked by Customers to Flirt With Their Son and Now We're Nauseous

Updated April 18 2023, 9:29 p.m. ET

An unnamed waitress takes a customer's order (1950)
You know that old adage, "The customer is always right"? Sometimes not only is the customer wrong, but they are wildly inappropriate. Occasionally people seem to forget the customer part in customer service, meaning as the customer you should be respectful of the person waiting on you. Sadly, that is not always the case.
One young woman recently dealt with a very strange request from a couple of regular customers. These people were so taken by her, that they asked if she would flirt with their son the next time they came into the restaurant. Why would anyone do that? Let's get into it.
What's up with these weird parents asking this server to flirt with their son?
As always, weirdos are gonna weird. In a TikTok, user @minimumwagehippie broke down the strange series of events that led to a flirtation request.
"So, last night I waited on a family of five ... and they liked me so they were like 'We're gonna come back tomorrow with a large party. Can we request you?'" she explained in her video.
That is a normal enough question, so naturally, @minimumwagehippie said yes. Then it got uncomfortable.
"The dad started talking to me about their son," she said. He then apparently asked this probably overworked server if she could "flirt for extra money."
Her initial response was to let the man know she has a boyfriend, but let's be honest, the server shouldn't even to say that.
This information did not deter the father, or his wife. "The dad was like 'That's irrelevant,' and the mom was like 'Yeah we hate his girlfriend. I'm gonna be the worst mother-in-law ever,'" @minimumwagehippie said.
They continued to bash their son's poor girlfriend. According to this girl, they said, "If you're our server, she's the kind of girl that's gonna kick him under the table and be like 'Don't look at her.'"
The couple painted a picture of a very controlling girlfriend whose actions are rooted in insecurity. Because their bill was still unpaid, the server continued with the conversation. They then told this girl the girlfriend's name, and proceeded to write "f--k [the girlfriend's name] LOL'' on the bill.
Here's what happened when the couple returned to the restaurant.
In a subsequent TikTok, @minimumwagehippie was able to provide a thrilling update to this misadventure.
"So I waited on them last night and honestly, the girl was like super nice to me," @minimumwagehippie said.
Of course she was! We never doubted this. It was always the parents — who, after paying the bill, accosted the server once again.
"You didn't flirt with him," they said, according to the TikToker.
After @minimimwagehippie explained that she didn't want to be "disrespectful," the mom apparently told her, "Well I told my daughter about the situation and she played a part in it."
Evidently the aforementioned daughter tried to bait the girlfriend by saying things like, "Isn't our server so pretty?" The parents claimed the girlfriend said no, but they cannot be trusted.
In order to engage in confirmation bias, the parents asked the server if she saw how much of a b---h the girlfriend was. The server didn't see it and made an astute observation: "She probably feels not welcome at this table, already."
May those parents feel unwelcome at the restaurant from this day forward.