Parents Want to Hire a Part-Time Nanny for $53K a Year, but There's a Disney Princess Catch

Updated March 20 2019, 12:47 p.m. ET
A UK family is looking to hire a part-time nanny for $53,000 a year, but there's one catch: they have to dress like a Disney princess the whole time.
One of the best parts about hanging around children is their boundless enthusiasm. They'll get more excited about the prospect of playing with a balloon than most people have for their own wedding days. The amount of happiness they'll get from watching a single episode of their favorite cartoon trumps any news of a promotion that an adult receives.
If you're a parent, feeding that enthusiasm becomes contagious, so you're constantly thinking of ways to make them happy (without spoiling them rotten, of course). This is probably why I find myself browsing cool toys and reading up on things my son might like in lieu of the things I might want to buy for myself.
It's just that he enjoys it so much more than I do, so if I had the money, why wouldn't I hire a nanny who could also double as a fake paleontologist or heck, dress up in a dinosaur costume themselves? My dinosaur-obsessed son would be over the moon.
I imagine that's what was going through the heads of this British couple, who are the proud parents of 5-year-old twin girls — both of whom are obsessed with Disney princesses, like a lot of five year old girls are.

The couple wants to hire a part-time nanny who will spend the entire day in character as a Disney princess to show their two 5-year-old girls what a strong female role model looks like. It's easy to lecture your kids about all of the virtues and values a person should embody, but why not show them instead and make it cool in the process?
Plus, don't you think your kids would be more inclined to listen to their favorite Disney character when they're told it's bedtime or that they need to finish eating their protein and vegetables before they can have a cookie? It's actually pretty genius on the parents' part.
The lucky applicant they select will get a salary of 40,000 British pounds (around $53k) a year.
Their post on has more details.
What's comforting is that they acknowledge how out-of-the-ordinary the request is, so they probably won't try to pay you in seashells or glass slippers once payday rolls around. Hopefully.
"Like most 5-year-olds, our girls are obsessed with Disney and we feel this would be the best way to communicate some important values," the twins' mother wrote in the post.
"We know this isn't a normal request for nannies, however we think it would be a great way to teach our girls about things like determination, compassion, fearlessness, and ambition from strong yet relatable female role models like Princess Tiana, Princess Anna, Belle, and Cinderella. We are looking for someone who can commit to a character and create a really fun atmosphere in our home, but also won't be afraid to be a disciplinarian if the twins are naughty or act out — they can be little terrors at times!"
The more one reads the ad, the more it becomes clear that anyone who's ever played a princess before at a Disney theme park would probably be the best fit for the gig:
"The right person will have a real creative flare as well as a passion for all things Disney and will be able to share that love of those characters with our girls."
If you're still interested in applying, here's the rundown of responsibilities: picking up the twins four days a week from school. Putting together some Disney-related activities that are both fun and informative. You'll also help with putting them to bed, sometimes.
Oh and don't worry, you won't have to lug around your costume cabinet or bust out the sewing machine: they'll be footing the costume bill for you.
The ad concludes, "We think it's a great opportunity for someone to get really creative and add a little magic to our girls' lives! So, if there are any Disney-mad nannies out there who'd be able to help us out, please get in touch."
Think this could be the job for you?