The 30 and Over Crowd Is Partying Much Differently These Days

Published Sept. 18 2023, 11:49 a.m. ET
As the later side of millenials age, the phrase, “Just Keep Livin’,” seems to apply more frequently. For many of us, we’ve gone from carefree students with barely a phone bill to our name to being responsible for other living, breathing human beings (not me, though; you parents out there stay safe), paying for everything ourselves, and working so hard we can barely enjoy the small, and I do mean, minimal luxuries we have in our homes.
Since Millenials are getting older and maybe a bit wiser, it’s understandable that our idea of “partying” looks a bit different nowadays.
On TikTok, users are showing how they like to have a good time with the friends they remember to text back (IYKYK!). Here’s what partying in your 30s looks like now!
“Time of Our Lives” — Partying in our 30s is a little different.
I will tell you all something, but you have to promise not to judge me, OK? I almost didn’t have a bachelorette party for my Fall 2023 wedding. Don’t get me wrong, I love my friends and am ecstatic to get married, but the idea of being out at the “clurb” at 30 didn’t sound appealing. Mainly because I hadn’t been to a club since at least my mid-20s, over three years ago. Thanks, COVID-19.
Anyway, I had a bachelorette party. However, we started the festivities at 1 p.m. and were saying our goodbyes by 8 p.m. Sounds pretty early, right? Well, all my friends are 30 plus, and this is pretty much how partying in your 30s goes.
According to Malena, who goes by @malenatudi on TikTok, partying in your 30s also looks like getting a group together to “ooo” and “ahh” over cleaning products. In September 2023, Malena posted a 22-second TikTok of her and her friends at a house party. Although the party had typical paraphernalia like LED lights and SOLO cups, the similarities to other house parties I’ve witnessed pretty much end there.
In the video, one of Malena’s friends pours mustard on the living room floor. Then, another friend used a Tineco vacuum cleaner to go over the mustard. The mustard was effortlessly removed from the floor while the friends watched in amazement.
Partying in your 30s can look like not attending a party at all.
In February 2022, TikToker Eve Lazano (@iamevelynlozano) posted a video of herself in the “VIP” section at 10 p.m. Most people in their 30s can relate.
After a few shots and dancing on the couch, Eve was over the function and was in her robe with a mug of something warm in her hand by 10:30 p.m. There's nothing wrong with that!
The partying in your 30s TikToks are far too relatable!
Underneath both TikToks, users agreed that partying in your 30s is a time to share tips and tricks for getting through the worst hood ever created — adulthood. In the comments, several users shared their experiences of doing less partying at house parties as they’ve gotten older.
“The last party I was at, we all spent approx 45 min discussing a crockpot someone brought a dip in. I bought one from Amazon while still at the party 😩,” one TikToker wrote.
“Welcome to the club! Cheers ☕️🛋 🥰😂,” another cheered. “I’ve never felt so close to people my age. 😭,” said a third user. Life comes at you fast in your 30s so hold on tight!