What's the Deal With the Perfume Mask TikTok Trend Everyone's Getting on Now?

Published Feb. 8 2021, 5:36 p.m. ET

No one ever said that social media trends need to be clever, well-thought-out, or make much sense and anyone who argues otherwise just needs to look at 2020's most viral TikTok video courtesy of Bella Porch. Sometimes things go viral... just because. Look, if there was a method to the madness, then everyone would be making a boatload of influencer moolah on the web. This perfume mask TikTok trend is an example of a viral video that defies logic.
What is the perfume mask TikTok trend?
It was seemingly started by user @cojosmojo, which shows the uploader waiting to get gas in his car getting ready to put on his girlfriend's mask. He takes a whiff of the mask to the tune of Bruno Mars' "Gorilla" then places the mask back down, sticks his tongue to the camera, beats his chest and begins gyrating his hips in his seat simulating sexual activity.
Check it out below.
If you're trying to figure out what the relationship between the "Gorilla" track and taking a whiff of a perfumed mask is, it could be a reference to the line "making love like Gorillas" in the track. It seems that the boyfriend in question in this video is smelling his significant other's mask and her aroma drives him into an animalistic lust-filled frenzy forcing him to play out sexual movements in front of a small store filled with monster energy drinks and beef jerky.

People have responded to the Perfume Mask TikTok with different perspectives.
User @madvan16 showed how the "girlfriend" in this bit would react to seeing such a horny display from her BF. In the clip, she tosses her mask toward the camera, sees his gyrating action and decides she wants to hightail it out of the car, and she does just that.

Many people applauded @madvan16's response as it compounded their lampooning of @cojosmojo's clip. Some users wrote, "your phone is a PRIVILEGE not a right and it can be taken away from you. UNDERSTOOD?"
Another wrote, "i don't have any icks...nvm." The comments expressing their displeasure at the OG video kept rolling in:
"why do men think they can act like this LMAO"
"this was my 13th reason"

In a follow-up video where he lip-syncs under a child's voice telling people that they're wonderful individuals and that they're "AMAZING" while sitting shirtless and drinking out of a cup, also had a ton of comments referencing his previous clip. Some people just posted pictures of gorilla emojis, while others commented on the thirsty moms who were telling the young man he's adorable.

Others wrote that they've "never dried up and crumpled up so fast," while there were still a large number of folks who demanded that he "explain [his] last video."

What do you think of Stephen Cody Simpson's, @cojosmojo's TikTok account?