Woman Calls Out McDonald's Manager Who Threw Away Kid's Cheeseburger Over Rewards Points Dispute

Published May 4 2023, 2:17 p.m. ET

Fast food companies have been getting slammed pretty hard on social media for not offering the amount of value that some folks would expect from a multi-million dollar chain.
Take Chipotle, for instance, which has been oft-maligned and criticized by customers for not offering the best bang for their buck. The brand has increased its prices in recent years but has still managed to pull in record profits despite all of the online belly-aching about the costs of its food.
Other chains are being blasted for a perceived lack of value as well, like this one woman who couldn't believe a McDonald's location wouldn't slap a slice of cheese on a free Happy Meal that they earned using Mickey D's rewards points system.
If you're a fan of McDonald's, then there's a good chance you've installed the company's mobile application which provides a slew of daily meal deals along with a points system where folks can bank said points to use for free menu items.
TikToker Kiki Amlaw (@kikicatryna) said that she was able to bank up a whopping 14,000 menu points in order to get herself a free Happy Meal from a McDonald's location, but when she did, employees wouldn't add a slice of cheese to the burger, stating that the points were only valid for a Hamburger Happy Meal, not a Cheeseburger Happy Meal.
She says in the video: "Today I went to use some of my McDonald's points because I was out and about and my 3-year-old was hungry. So I went to get him a Happy Meal and I had enough points to get him a Happy Meal. I ordered his Happy Meal and I ordered him a cheeseburger and when I pulled up the guy said okay that's gonna be $5.41."
This confused Kiki because she had enough points to get the meal for free, "I said no I have a reward from the app and he said well it didn't take it off and I said well it took all my points off so either put my points back on or give me my Happy Meal for free."

She continued, "And he said I'm new here I don't know what you want me to do. Well, do you have anybody higher up than you if you're new here? And he said just pull forward to the second window. I pull forward to the second window and they are all like looking around like who is this person? Why is she here at the drive-thru?"
The uncomfortable situation persisted when Kiki found out that all of this kerfuffle was being caused by a single slice of cheese. When she pulled up the drive-thru window and explained that she used her points for the meal, employees at the McDonald's still attempted to charge her $5.41 for the Happy Meal.

"I said no I had 14,000 points I am now down to 8,000 points, it took all my points off so it should be free. And they all look around and I can see the lady who took my order kind of standing in the back and she was like trying to act innocent like she had no idea that I was a human being and the manager comes up and asks me what's going on and I tell her and she goes oh well that's for a Hamburger Happy Meal."
At this point, you're probably thinking why they didn't just toss a hamburger in the box, hand it over to her, and call it a day, or charge her the difference for a slice of cheese. But the situation continued, "It still took my points off of the app," Kiki says she told the McDonald's manager.
And while one of those aforementioned outcomes ultimately did take place at the drive-thru window, Kiki was shocked at the Manager's reaction —she basically tried shaming/punishing Kiki for using points on a free Happy Meal.
"So can I give you 20 cents for a slice of cheese?" Kiki queried. "And she said no she took the cheeseburger out of my son's Happy Meal box, threw it in the trash, and then asked them to get her a plain hamburger."

Kiki was shocked by the manager's reaction: "You just threw it in the garbage what was the difference if you were to give it to me and I gave you .20 cents for the slice of cheese? Instead, you wasted that cheeseburger and then gave my son something different. Great job McDonald's."

One commenter couldn't understand the motive behind the McDonald's employee's decision to just throw the burger out: "So they wasted a whole cheeseburger just to keep you from getting a 'free' cheese slice. Even if you were willing to pay for it. Brilliant"
According to Sun Sentinel, extra cheese at McDonald's costs anywhere between 20-40 cents.