You Don't Have to Be Good at Math to Enjoy These Pi Day Memes
Updated March 14 2023, 11:06 a.m. ET

March gets all of the fun days: National Pancake Day, Mardi Gras, Nap Day, International Women's Day, and now the best of them all, Pi Day.
Pi Day, for those who don't know, is the annual celebration of the mathematical constant "π" aka pi. We celebrate it on March 14, since 3.14 are the first digits in the infinitely long sequence that make up the number.
Pi Day celebrations, for the most part, consist of pie-eating contests, long theoretical discussions about the irrational number, and of course, memes and jokes. Because we don't trust ourselves with the advanced math stuff, allow us to entertain you with some memes you should send your friends to celebrate this year.
1. Come to think of it, we wouldn't mind celebrating forever.

2. Wow. Truly did not know to look at what 3.14 spells in the mirror.

3. Apologies, but most of these pi jokes are about being irrational.

4. Wait — we almost forgot that pizza pies are also pies. Pi Day just got so much better.

5. Wholesome and hilarious.

6. TFW you wrong a math nerd and come to regret it immediately.

7. Don't say we didn't warn you.

8. OK, now this is actually deep and troubling.

9. Send this to your dad or to someone's dad, please.

10. Numbers in an HR meeting — what a nightmare.

11. Really, REALLY wish we had these during trig finals.

Excuse the break from Pi Day memes. That one was important.
12. Solve for X. Opinion - X = Onion X = 3.14

13. Mathematicians just LOVE to make things unnecessarily complicated.

14. I'm beginning to think it's more than just SUM of the math puns that are terrible.

15. What did we just say?

Pi Day's about to get lit and now that we officially know we can eat pizza pies (in addition to apple and key lime pies), it's ON.
16. Because at the end of the day — no matter what day — it all boils down to this.

That silver portion of the graph is about to get way bigger.
17. A math nerd's nightmare.

18. Not sure how to interpret this Pi Day celebration.

My heart goes out to you, Lil Nas X.
19. A long-held grudge.

Didn't think people took Pi Day seriously? Think again!
20. Illuminati confirmed.

How is all of that even possible?!
21. I knew it.

Sick and tired of these math nerds constantly trying to shove numbers down our throats. It's revolting.
22. Please don't celebrate it this way.

Seriously, it's a waste of a perfectly good dessert. Not a good idea.